After monitoring 110 adults’ daily heart rate activity and noise exposure, German researchers found that as a person’s exposure to noise increased, so did their heart rate. On the other hand, their heart rate variability, or the time interval between heart beats, decreased. But the lesser the variability, the greater the risk of heart attack, says the study.   Interestingly enough, when the noises stayed below 65 decibels—a hearing safe zone per the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) standards—participants’ heart rate still went up.  Despite this study finding an immediate effect of noise, sounds below 60 to 65 decibels have not been otherwise shown to have a detrimental effect on health, says Eric Wilkinson, MD, an otolaryngologist with House Clinic at St. Vincent Medical Center in Los Angeles, Calif. OSHA’s threshold for dangerous sound still stands at anything above 80 decibels. According to the study, there are also other factors to consider. For example, the way a person perceives a sound—annoying or pleasant—could influence their psychological reaction.  Even so, it ahem sounds as if noise at any level can be harmful when not safely sustained. In which case, here are three ways to lessen your exposure: Know your limit. If you’re going to be in a noisy environment, know how long you can withstand the sound. For your ears, OSHA allows 8 hours a day for sounds at 90 decibels, four hours for 95 decibels and only two hours for 100 decibels. These sounds include semi-trailers, lawn mowers and weed-whackers. For a complete list, visit OSHA’s website. But also pay attention to how your body reacts to these sounds, do you find yourself anxious? If so, it may be a sign that your heart rate is increasing. Take measures to find quiet. Download a sound meter. How do you know if a place you’ve found is truly quiet? By personally measuring sound levels with an app for your smartphone.  “A lot of situations are a lot louder than you think,” says Dr. Wilkinson. With a sound or volume meter, you can see how loud a room really is—or isn’t—and if it would be in your heart’s best interest to stay. As a bonus, most apps will warn you if the sound should be sustained with or without further protection, such as ear plugs. (Check out more apps great for your health.) Consider ear muffs. For moments you can’t sidestep loud sounds, have ear plugs or ear muffs on hand. A foam pair from the drug store will do, says Dr. Wilkinson. But for people with sensitive hearing or an existing heart condition, custom-made plugs may be a better option. “An audiologist can make a mold of your ear canal, like a hearing aid, and customize them to your specific needs,” he says. This includes the fit and the decibels of sound you’ll still be able to hear with them in. Hear that? Follow these steps, and there isn’t any reason you can’t keep noise from having a negative effect on your overall health. More from Prevention:3 Ways To Reverse Hearing Loss