Ashley’s answer: Indeed, pea is popular these days! The pea protein craze is likely due to the increased desire for plant-based protein options, as well as the rise of allergies and intolerances to many plant and animal protein sources. Whether you take it as a protein supplement or a standalone ingredient, here’s what you need to know about pea protein: Pros:

Vegan (often blended with other sources like rice protein).Very low allergen profile, especially compared to soy or egg.Contains both essential (need to eat) and non-essential (body can make) amino acids.Non-GMO, though you should still look for the non-GMO on the ingredient label.Good choice for sports and performance recovery. The amino acids in pea protein—like lysine, glutamine, arginine, leucine, isoleucine, and valine—support a healthy digestive tract lining. What’s more, pea protein may help satiety.

Potential Cons: 

Some people are allergic or intolerant to peas.Pea protein contains purines, so people with gout should ask their healthcare provider before taking a supplement.Processing peas into protein could lead to contamination by fertilizers, chemical solvents, and other ingredients. Make sure you’re buying a high-quality brand.

  As with any food that becomes the “it” ingredient, I advise caution. In the coming months and years, we’ll likely hear all sorts of benefits linked directly and indirectly to pea protein, so keep your wits about you!    Chewing over a food quandary? Send it to Ashley Koff is a registered dietitian, Qualitarian, nutrition expert, and