The secret to living longer? Start enjoying life now, according to a new British study that suggests that enjoying life can actually prevent illness and death. Researchers found that out of 10,000 Brits age 50 and older, the unhappiest people—those who ranked in the bottom third for life enjoyment—were three times more likely to die earlier than the happiest people. (Steal these five daily habits of happy women.)   Good Cholesterol News For A Change [Time] When it comes to lowering cholesterol, Americans seem to be getting the message. Researchers at the CDC  looked at trends in serum lipid levels among adults age 20 and older who participated in national health surveys between 1988 and 2010, and found that total cholesterol as well as LDL cholesterol levels were down, and levels of “good” HDL cholesterol were up. Most of the positive trends can be traced to lipid-lowering medications known as statins, as more people began to take advantage of the drugs. (Check out 15 natural ways to improve your cholesterol.) More Cranberry Juice Confusion [Med Page Today] Do they or don’t they prevent urinary tract infections? New research says not so much. A new Cochrane Library review of studies comparing the use of various cranberry products against a range of placebo, drug, and nondrug treatments showed cranberry products did not outperform placebo overall. However, cranberry products—such as tablets or capsules—were as effective as antibiotics at preventing recurrent UTIs in women. (Here’s the lowdown on how to prevent UTIs.) Electric Shock Undies? [ABC News] It may sound funny, but these charged underpants have a serious use: Scientists have designed electric underpants to shock the bottom to help prevent bedsores—which can range from mild lesions to life threatening ulcers that go all the way down to the bone—for people who are immobilized. Dubbed “Smart e-Pants,” the undies work by using electrodes placed on the bottom that send mild jolts of electricity that mimic fidgeting movements and shift a patient into a slightly different position.