Late lunch? You may want to rethink that, according to new research in the International Journal of Obesity that shows people who eat their biggest meal earlier drop more pounds than those who don’t.  Your health at steak Sorry, meat mavens: A new report from the Environmental Working Group found that a majority of our meat supply is contaminated with antibiotic-resistant bacteria—and it’s only getting worse. See what you can do to safeguard against disease. Bite off bad moods Literally. A new study discovered that the taste of beer alone can trigger happy hormones—and it’s not the only good-mood food out there. Check out our five favorites! Happier healthcare Per an analysis by The Joint Commission, we know ICU nurses sometimes become immune to the warnings from machines that monitor everything from oxygen levels to heart rate. Scary, especially if a loved one is in a hospital, but you can advocate for better care. Here’s how. Relieve anxiety naturally Tylenol could combat anxiety resulting from existential concerns like the inevitability of death, finds new research from the University of British Columbia. More research needs to be done before Tylenol can be official anxiety RX; in the meantime, give these 3 science-backed remedies a try.

Health News For The Week Of April 14   Prevention - 90