Gout You probably think that gout strikes only wealthy old men with voracious eating and drinking habits, but middle-aged women can also develop this metabolic disorder. Once called the “disease of kings” because of its connection to rich foods and liberal alcohol consumption (think Henry VIII), gout was first described by Hippocrates in the fifth century BC. Some 2 million Americans are affected each year. It strikes mostly men, but women are also susceptible, particularly after menopause, when estrogen–which helps empty uric acid from the kidneys–declines dramatically. What causes gout? Gout is an inflammatory condition: When the body produces too much uric acid or when the kidneys don’t excrete enough of this waste product, it crystallizes in joints (most commonly the big toe) and causes pain and inflammation. Some experts predict that the present popularity of low-carb, high-protein diets could promote a surge in cases of gout. That’s because many foods eaten on these diets, especially red meats, contain purines–types of proteins that metabolize into uric acid. How is gout treated? Meds used to treat gout include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to help control inflammation and pain; colchicine, a type of pain reliever that effectively reduces gout pain but that has side effects such as nausea; drugs called xanthine oxidase inhibitors that cut how much uric acid your body makes; and probenecid to help your kidneys eliminate uric acid from your body. There are also many natural remedies that can help prevent or manage gout symptoms. Try these alternatives: Cherries. Researchers collected blood and urine samples from study participants before and after they ate cherries and measured urate, antioxidant levels, and inflammatory markers. Plasma levels of urate fell significantly over a 5-hour period following consumption of the cherries, confirming their anti-gout properties. There was a trend toward decreased levels of the inflammatory markers C-reactive protein and nitric oxide, which suggests that cherries also have anti-inflammatory properties. Fish oil supplements. Fish oil capsules contain omega-3s and don’t pose the same gout risk that eating high-purine seafood does. Choose a supplement that contains 500 mg of EPA and DHA combined. Start with one a day, and gradually work up to a total of four 500-mg capsules a day. Natural anti-inflammatories. Take a capsule of Zyflamend twice a day. This anti-inflammatory combines ginger and turmeric with other herbs. Exercise. It strengthens your muscles and oils your joints, releases natural pain-relieving endorphins, which can boost your mood, and fights the inflammation associated with a number of painful conditions like gout and rheumatoid arthritis. Coffee. Studies have found an association between coffee drinking — both regular and decaffeinated coffee — and lower uric acid levels, though researchers haven’t determined how or why coffee might influence uric acid levels, according to the Mayo Clinic. Vitamin C. Supplements containing vitamin C may reduce the levels of uric acid in your blood. However, vitamin C hasn’t been studied as a treatment for gout, according to the Mayo Clinic, which advises: “Don’t assume that if a little vitamin C is good for you, then lots is better. Megadoses of vitamin C may increase your body’s uric acid levels. Talk to your doctor about what a reasonable dose of vitamin C may be. And don’t forget that you can increase your vitamin C intake by eating more fruits and vegetables, especially oranges.” Where can I go to find out more? Gout & Uric Acid Education Society; US National Library of Medicine Eye Health If you find yourself frequently dealing with the itching and burning of dry eyes, you’re certainly not alone. But allergies, pollution, and an overheated office are not the only causes of red, burning eyes: your age may be the real culprit. After age 40, women see a significant reduction in tear production along with eye-drying hormonal changes. And if you wear contacts, expect the itch and irritation to start even sooner. Taking care of your eyes will boost your overall health and help ensure you don’t have serious eye problems down the road. Here is how to keep your peepers healthy and bright. How can I protect my eyes? There are many simple moves you can make to care for your eyes. They include:

Getting a dilated eye exam.Eating a healthy diet of disease-fighting, antioxidant-rich vegetables such as spinach, kale, or collard greens, and fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids.You know this one: Don’t smoke!Wear sunglasses that block 100% of UVA and UVB rays.If you have dry eyes, use artificial tears as often as needed—from once or twice a day to every 20 minutes. These over-the-counter drops will cleanse your eyes and restore the right kind of tears.See an eye doctor if you have blurred vision, eye pain, discharge or redness, double vision or diabetes. Or, if you see flashes of light, floaters or halos around sources of light, such as headlights.

What could be making my eyes irritated or tired? If you develop eye irritation and sinus symptoms after wearing eyeliner, you probably had an allergic reaction. To wear eyeliner safely, use a hypoallergenic kind, replace it every 2 to 3 months, and apply it only outside the lash line. If your eyes are simply tired, you might be overdoing it in front of a screen: Sometimes we don’t even notice how long we’ve been staring at our computers. But just like your shoulders and neck, your eyes tire easily. “Doing exercises for your eyes is like doing hip openers after sitting all day,” says Karin Wiedemann of Urban Yoga in Washington, DC. Use these techniques to alleviate strain or to prevent it.

Eye Warming Sitting in a chair, rub your hands together to create heat in your palms. Close your eyes and cup your palms over your eyes. (This blocks out light and allows your eyes to absorb the heat from your hands.) Next, hold for 10 deep breaths, in and out, and repeat as necessary.Eye-ercize Stay in your chair, and don’t move your head. Look up to the ceiling, then look to your right, then down to the floor, then over to the left, and back up to the ceiling. Repeat 5 times and then reverse directions for 5 more rounds.

How can I treat red eyes? Not only are bloodshot peepers caused by sleepless nights or dry, irritating indoor air, but you can also develop discoloration on your eyes as you age. And beyond making you look tired, there are other reasons to whiten up: Whiter eyes can make people see you as healthier, happier, and more attractive, according to a study published in the journal Ethology. Check out these bright ideas to stop seeing red:

OTC Products. The redness relieving eye drops will shrink veins to reduce redness quickly, but just don’t make a habit out of using them—they can cause a rebound effect when used repeatedly.In-Office Solution. Almost like a teeth whitening, the I-Brite eye whitening procedure is a 20-minute, in-office treatment developed by Beverly Hills-based eye surgeon Brian S. Boxer Wachler, M.D. During the procedure, he removes the thin membrane that holds most of the red veins and discoloration. You will typically have a downtime of about 24 hours afterward and the results become noticable in a couple weeks. However, this would run you about $7,000 if you did both eyes.Makeup Fix. A navy or cobalt mascara or liner will counteract the warm red of bloodshot eyes and bring out the blue tones in the whites, making them look whiter. Try Estée Lauder Double Wear Stay-in-Place Eye Pencil in Midnight Blue ($19) or DiorShow Waterproof Mascara in Azure Blue ($24).

Where can I go to find out more? American Optometric Association Digestive Health Once you’ve polished off a meal, you probably don’t give it much thought. But when you push away from the table, your gut’s work is only beginning—it will take between 9 hours and a day or two for the food you just ate to be fully digested. During that time, your stomach and small intestine break your food down into molecules that the small intestine’s thin lining can absorb, allowing essential nutrients–the energy stream that fuels every cell in your body—to enter your bloodstream. Your digestive tract is 30 feet long, thumb width at its narrowest, about 1.5 inches in diameter at its widest, and houses 75% of your body’s immune system cells. The lower part of your small intestine wrings out the water remaining in your meal and ushers it into your colon, which funnels it into your bloodstream to help keep you hydrated. Tummy trouble is the body’s way of saying, “Pay attention to what’s bugging you!” says clinical nutritionist Elizabeth Lipski, PhD, CCN, author of Digestive Wellness and Digestive Wellness for Children. “If your gut doesn’t feel right, your job is to figure out what’s out of balance.” How can I help improve my digestion? To make food easier to digest, try these simple moves:

Slow down when you eat. A rushed meal is out of sync with the creeping pace of the gut. First, savor your meal. In a neat bit of mind/body magic, the thought, sight, and aroma of good food jumpstart the digestive process, signaling the stomach and salivary glands to secrete chemicals that will help break down food. Chew your food well so your gut doesn’t have to work as hard to break it down. Eat slowly to avoid gulping air, which will make you gassy, bloated, and—thanks to the mind’s payback to the body—irritable.Nurture your gut’s residents. Gut-friendly bacteria use fiber, an indigestible carbohydrate, as their main food source, so eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, such as oats, barley, whole wheat, and popcorn. Fiber also aids the passage of food and waste through the gut. Most adult women should aim for more than 20 g of fiber a day; men should get at least 30 g. But again, go slowly: Increasing your fiber intake too quickly can cause gas and bloating.Eat a little less. People who are overweight are more likely to suffer from digestive problems. Whatever your weight, though, regular exercise can help alleviate stomach pains like gas and bloating. In a study involving 983 people participating in a weight loss program, the more physical activity people got each week, the fewer GI symptoms they had. Aim for at least 20 minutes of moderate activity each day.Steer clear of detoxes. Colonic “cleansers” rid the colon of good bacteria and can cause overgrowth of bad bacteria.Avoid overusing antibiotics. They kill not only pathogens causing your ailment, but also good bacteria.Consume foods with probiotics. Look for yogurts and soy milks that contain strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria. In addition to protecting against colds and flu and promoting healthful bacteria, probiotics can help relieve diarrhea caused by infection or antibiotics, irritable bowel syndrome, or Crohn’s disease.

How can I prevent heartburn and indigestion? Watch out for foods that trigger digestive problems. Common heartburn culprits: acidic, spicy, and fatty foods; caffeinated and carbonated drinks; chocolate; and onions. Notorious gas producers include beans, onions, and cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, and radishes. (These veggies are loaded with vital nutrients, so don’t shun them altogether, but enjoy them in small doses.) The same goes for packaged low-carb treats and other foods containing artificial sweeteners—especially the sweetener sorbitol. Also, cut down on fatty foods. Fat softens the sphincter muscles that close the lower esophagus, making it possible for stomach acids to back up into it. Avoid marbled meats and whole-milk products. Could stress trigger digestive problems? Yes, stress can play a big part. Just think about how a bout of intense fear or panic can liquefy your innards—or, more commonly, when a cramp or brief wave of nausea alerts you to a nagging anxiety your mind had been working so hard to suppress. Tamp down the symptoms of a troubled gut with these tried-and-true anxiety-reducing techniques:

Breathe into your belly. Meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and other practices that encourage mindful relaxation make the body less sensitive to stress, research suggests. Deep breathing, using the muscles of your diaphragm (you should feel your belly expand and deflate with each inhale and exhale), can also help calm your mind and release tension in your abdominal muscles, easing indigestion. Another way to calm the body’s autonomic nervous system—which regulates digestion, among other things—is through progressive muscle relaxation, tightening and then relaxing small groups of muscles beginning in your toes and working your way up to your face.Go for easy workouts. Moderate exercise is a known enemy of stress. (Whenever you can, exercise outdoors–natural settings help calm frayed nerves.) Start slowly and increase activity gradually-even a 20-minute stroll will help soothe nerves, improve digestion, and reduce bloating, gas, and constipation by optimizing the passage of waste through your bowels. Remember: Your ultimate goal in soothing a troubled tummy is to get clearer intuitive signals. When something really bugs you, your “second brain” will let you know loud and clear.

What are some natural remedies for indigestion? Research backups up the case that certain herbs and food can help cure tummy troubles. Here are some to try: Peppermint. In one study, Taiwanese researchers gave 110 patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) either 0.2 ml of peppermint oil or a placebo three or four times a day. After a month, 79% of the peppermint takers reported feeling less abdominal pain, compared with 43% of those on the placebo. Other research shows that peppermint oil relaxes the smooth muscles of the digestive tract, easing spasms. The herb can increase bile flow, so people with gallbladder problems shouldn’t take it. Due to peppermint’s effect on smooth muscles, it can cause acid reflux and heartburn. Herbal Tea. When diarrhea strikes his family, Gannady Raskin, MD, ND, dean of the School of Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University, cures it with herbal concoctions. “Tea made from pomegranate skin will help an upset stomach,” he says. Set aside the leftovers of your next purchase; you can store dried skin for up to 6 months. Then steep a tablespoon’s worth in a cup of boiling water for 3 to 4 minutes. Oak bark (available at health food stores) works, too: Boil for 3 minutes, let sit for half an hour, and then strain. Both recipes are rich in tannins, which help the body produce mucus to line the stomach and lessen irritation. Drink 2 tablespoons, 4 to 6 times a day. Cola Syrup. It contains corn syrup, caffeine, and flavorings—is helpful for treating nausea and upset stomach. It’s available at drugstores. Ginger. Ginger can prevent stomach upset from many sources, including pregnancy, motion sickness, and chemotherapy. “This is one of Mom’s remedies that really works,” says Suzanna M. Zick, ND, MPH, a research investigator at the University of Michigan. A powerful antioxidant, ginger works by blocking the effects of serotonin, a chemical produced by both the brain and stomach when you’re nauseated, and by stopping the production of free radicals, another cause of upset in your stomach. In one study of cruise ship passengers traveling on rough seas, 500 mg of ginger every 4 hours was as effective as Dramamine, the commonly used OTC motion-sickness medication. In another study, where subjects took 940 mg, it was even more effective than the drug. Yogurt. It helps cure constipation and gas. One and a half cups of live-culture yogurt (high in gut-friendly bacteria) pushes food more efficiently through the gastrointestinal tract, says a study in Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics. The beneficial bacteria also improve your gut’s ability to digest beans and dairy lactose, which can cause gas.  Basil. Studies suggest that eugenol, a compound in basil, can keep your gut safe from pain, nausea, cramping, or diarrhea by killing off bacteria such as Salmonella and Listeria. Eugenol even has an antispasmodic property that can keep cramps at bay, says Mildred Mattfeldt-Beman, PhD, chair of the department of nutrition and dietetics at Saint Louis University. Use minced fresh basil in sauces or salads. Where can I go to find out more? National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse ; Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America Thyroid Health The thyroid gland, about the size of the knot on a man’s tie, is found in the front of the neck and produces hormones that control your metabolism. Too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism), and metabolism speeds up. Too little (hypothyroidism), and metabolism slows down. What are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism? It causes muscle fatigue and weakness, which you may notice first in the thighs. Exercises such as riding a bike or climbing stairs become more difficult. Other symptoms include unexplained weight loss, feeling warm all the time, increased heart rate, shorter and less frequent menstrual flows, and increased thirst. Hyperthyroidism is most commonly diagnosed in women in their 20s and 30s, but it can occur in older women and men too, says Robert J. McConnell, MD, co-director of the New York Thyroid Center at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City. If hyperthyroidism is left untreated, an overactive thyroid can cause a loss of bone mineral density, which, over time, can lead to osteoporosis. Hyperthyroidism can also result in an irregular heartbeat, which can lead to stroke or heart failure. Unintended weight loss almost always accompanies an overactive thyroid. So if you’re losing weight but not dieting, your heart frequently beats rapidly, or you’re always hot even when people around you are cold, don’t just blame menopause. “There’s a difference between the intermittent flushing and sweating associated with menopause and being hot and sweating all the time that is not menopause,” cautions James A. Simon, MD, clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Washington, DC. What are the symptoms of hypothyroidism? This condition causes fatigue, an inability to concentrate, and muscle soreness, even with minor activity. Other symptoms include weight gain due to water retention, feeling cold all the time (even in warmer weather), heavier and more frequent menstrual flows, and constipation. Hypothyroidism is most common in women over age 50. In fact, as many as 10% of women past 50 will have at least mild hypothyroidism, says McConnell. Hair loss may also be a symptom of an underactive thyroid, and is caused by the low levels of thyroxine being produced by the thyroid and circulating through the body. Even subtle changes in thyroid function can affect hair. Complaints of dry skin or brittle nails are also common when the culprit is hypothyroidism. If hypothyroidism is not treated, it can raise your cholesterol and increase your risk of heart disease. It can also lead to a decline in memory and concentration. Which tests help detect a thyroid problem? Your doctor can give you a blood test called TSH, or thyroid-stimulating hormone. If it comes back abnormal, then you most likely have a thyroid disease. Whether your TSH is on the high side or on the low side of normal tells you which of the two main thyroid diseases you may have, each of which is treated differently. If TSH is below normal, it means there’s too much thyroid hormone, and production slows down to compensate for the excess. This is hyperthyroidism. Women over 50 with hyperthyroidism are at greater risk for osteoporosis because the body breaks down bone faster than it can make it. If TSH is above normal, the thyroid is underactive (hypothyroidism). The pituitary gland sends more TSH into the bloodstream when it senses that levels of the thyroid hormone thyroxine are low. How do you treat hyperthyroidism? The approach to treating hyperthyroidism depends on the severity of the condition–it may involve ongoing treatment with medication, one treatment with radioactive iodine, or surgery, which will essentially cure hyperthyroidism. John Walsh, PhD, an endocrinologist and clinical senior lecturer, cautions, however, that the cure often comes at the expense of causing hypothyroidism. How do you treat hypothyroidism? Treatment of hypothyroidism is relatively simple–the drug levothyroxine (Synthroid). Because the disorder isn’t curable, you need to take it for life, says Walsh. He recommends monitoring the dosage by having your TSH level regularly checked–usually once a year. Generics offer a cheaper alternative if you’re taking levothyroxine for hypothyroidism. But anytime you or your pharmacist switches drugs, beware: “Generic substitutes of the same stated strength can vary 10 to 20% from the brand-name drug,” says Gregory A. Brent, MD, past president of the American Thyroid Association. “That’s enough to affect you.” Brent advises that whenever you refill your prescription, check to see if it’s your usual brand by reading the label and looking at the tablets. “If you change to a generic form of the drug, ask your doctor to recheck your TSH levels 6 to 8 weeks after you start taking it,” he suggests. What are natural remedies for hyperthyroidism? Lemon balm appears to calm an overactive thyroid, according to Eric Yarnell, ND, an assistant professor of botanical medicine at Bastyr University. Ask your doctor first if you take thyroid medication, as the botanical may change the amount you need. Also ask your doctor about supplementing your diet. If you’ve lost a great deal of weight or experienced muscle wasting, you may benefit from adding extra calories and protein to your diet. Your doctor or a dietitian can help you with meal planning. In most cases, you won’t need to continue supplementing your diet once your hyperthyroidism is under control. Treatment for hyperthyroidism can eventually contribute to excessive weight gain, so it is important to learn how to get as much nutrition as possible from your food without eating a lot of extra calories. Because hyperthyroidism may contribute to thinning bones, it’s important to get enough calcium every day to help prevent osteoporosis, as well as vitamin D, which aids in calcium absorption. The Institute of Medicine recommends 1,000 milligrams (mg) of calcium a day for adults ages 19 to 50 and men ages 51 to 70. That calcium recommendation increases to 1,200 mg a day if you’re a woman age 51 or older or a man age 71 or older. The Institute of Medicine also recommends 600 international units (IUs) of vitamin D a day for adults ages 19 to 70 and 800 IUs a day for adults age 71 and older. Talk to your doctor about dietary guidelines that are appropriate for you. What are some natural remedies for hypothyroidism? Talk to your doctor about whether taking mineral supplements such as iodine, iron or selenium before going on meds might be for you, or whether natural thyroid glandular supplements, such as BMR Complex by Integrative Therapeutics, might be helpful. “The thyroid glandular supplies the raw materials needed to optimize thyroid function, so taking one or two capsules three times daily between meals could start the process of kicking your thyroid back into gear within a month,” says Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, author of the book Real Cause, Real Cure. Remember, never start or stop taking a medication without consulting your doctor: If you’re at risk for heart disease, taking thyroid hormone could trigger heart palpitations or even a heart attack or angina. Three supplements that may help are Riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (B3), and pyridoxine (B6) because they all play roles in making thyroid hormone. B vitamins may also help boost energy. You can cover your bases with a daily B-complex pill, which contains all the B vitamins. Certain foods known as goitrogens may interfere with thyroid hormone production and make symptoms worse. These include cruciferous vegetables (such as cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts), peanuts, and soy. Enjoy reasonable amounts of these, but don’t go overboard. Chronic stress may decrease thyroid hormone production. If you have hypothyroidism, practice a relaxation technique, like meditation. Exercise can also help, especially yoga. Finally, you could try acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. To find a certified practitioner, visit National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). Where can I go to find out more? American Thyroid Foundation; The Hormone Foundation