Prevention: Doctors can be intimidating. How did you take charge of your own case? Giuliana Rancic: I was afraid to ask questions. I realized that at the root of that fear was the idea that we look at doctors like they’re God, in a way. I thought, “They’re so busy, they’re doing all these important things, they’re so serious.”  You have to get past that. Go in with a list of questions—and ask them no matter what. Doctors have heard your questions hundreds of times, so they can seem a little bored. When I pulled out the piece of paper, I was scared my doctor was going to roll his eyes, but he didn’t! In fact, he was thrilled I brought it, and answered every question I had. Whether or not you’ve been diagnosed, come prepared with questions for each visit.  I know you’re an advocate of early detection.  Yes, you need a plan with your doctor. Even if you have no symptoms, no family history, or no lump, one in eight women will get breast cancer. So you can get breast cancer. Let your doctor ask you the questions. Let him tell you, “This is when you’re going to need your first mammogram, this is when you’ll need to be doing your self-exam.” It’s amazing how much it can ease your mind, even if you might think you’re not at risk. (Find out how to protect yourself with Your Best Breasts At Any Age.) Any advice for the newly diagnosed? I’m a fan of the second opinion. Ask your insurance if they’ll cover it; chances are, they will. I couldn’t believe how much opinions varied when I spoke to different doctors, and it helped me make informed decisions. No case of breast cancer is the same, so there’s no one prescription. The most important thing is to figure out with your doctor what your specific diagnosis means, and what your specific course of treatment should be. What do you wish people knew about how to help a loved one with breast cancer? It’s this: don’t ask, tell. Don’t ask, “Can I bring you groceries tomorrow?” Just say, “I’m bringing you groceries tomorrow.” If she pushes back, leave them on her doorstep and send her a text saying, “Please open your door when you have a moment.” She’ll appreciate it.  Finally, what’s something you wish people knew not to say? The worst thing is “I know what you’re going through” and then compare it to your own life. I had one girl tell me she had a mole removed, and now she knows how I feel. I literally fell off my chair. Even if you’ve had a similar experience, it’s important to remember that someone going through cancer is so hyper-sensitive at that  moment in time that no one knows what they’re going through. It’s better to say, “I can only imagine what you’re feeling.”  More from Prevention: 17 Celebs Who’ve Lived With Breast Cancer