Oats (1 cup cooked)  High in fiber and protein, oats eaten for breakfast help stabilize blood sugar all day.   MORE: Almost-Instant Dessert-Worthy Gingersnap Oatmeal Salmon (3 oz) This fish’s hefty dose of protein speeds metabolism, which increases energy. (Try these 20 delicious salmon recipes.) Almonds (⅓ cup) They’re packed with magnesium, which helps convert sugar into energy. Protein and fiber provide sustained energy without a crash. Quinoa (½ cup cooked) Protein and amino acids in this gluten-free grain aid in muscle repair and post-workout recovery. (Check out these 6 tasty quinoa recipes.) Avocado (½ avocado) The fatty acids lower inflammation linked to fatigue-causing conditions. MORE: 5 Desserts You Can Make With Avocado Lentils (½ cup cooked) High in fiber, lentils help regulate blood sugar levels, while their selenium enhances mood. Blueberries (½ cup) Potent antioxidants combat free radicals that can injure cells and lead to fatigue. Healthy carbs rev energy without adding too much sugar. (Try these 11 recipes with fresh blueberries.) Goji berries (¼ cup) They may help improve blood flow and alertness.  MORE: Best Food Combos To Eat Before Every Type Of Workout Kale (1 cup) Yep, its superfood status extends to energy. Credit protein, fiber, and crazy levels of antioxidants.   Turkey (3 oz) B vitamins help metabolize food into energy, while the amino acid tyrosine can keep you more alert.