A: Absolutely. How we feel mentally has such a big impact on our intestinal health—as anyone who’s ever had “butterflies” knows. Your gut actually has its own nervous system that governs digestion. It’s called the enteric nervous system, and it’s intricately linked with your central nervous system and, at times, your state of mind. The two systems communicate via the vagus nerve, which starts at the base of the brain and branches downward to the abdomen. When you’re afraid or tense, your brain sends messages that the vagus nerve interprets as danger. Your body then diverts blood flow away from your digestive tract so it can increase the flow to your brain and limbs (you know, in case you have to run from a predator—that old fight-or-flight response). This slows digestion and can cause cramping, diarrhea, and other unpleasant symptoms. If symptoms are ongoing, they may have another cause, such as an ulcer or irritable bowel syndrome, exacerbated by stress. That’s when it’s important to consult your doctor. But remember: Even if stress is your trigger, that doesn’t mean this is “all in your head.” Your pain and bowel issues are still real. Try to address your anxiety with techniques such as deep-belly breathing (which can stimulate the vagus nerve and trigger a relaxation response) or a daily 30-minute walk. Eating whole grains and leafy greens and drinking plenty of water can also help maintain overall gut health. TRAVIS STORK, MD, is an ER physician, cohost of TV’s The Doctors, and the author of The Lean Belly Prescription. Send your questions for Dr. Stork to askdrstork@prevention.com. More from Prevention: 10 Stress-Busting Solutions