Elizabeth Lipski (PhD, CCN, CHN) author of the Digestion Connection offers some tips on leading a balanced life, which is good for your digestion, in this excerpt. ExerciseThe best stress-management tool is exercise. When I ask people to describe the benefits of their exercise program, they tell me they have more energy and higher self-esteem, balance, which helps keep us injury free. Regular exercise helps control blood sugar levels so our energy is more sustained, and being fit lowers the risk of heart disease. In addition, our bodies release endorphins, morphine-like molecules in the brain, which make us feel happy and reduce pain. Positive ThoughtsPositive thinking is an important part of stress management. If you could record the conversation in your brain for an hour or two, you might find that you have a lot of self-criticism or self-doubts. With practice we can easily learn to “flip” these negative images and turn criticism into a positive thought or plan of action. When we catch ourselves playing a negative tape, we need to eject it and put in a new tape. Instead of thinking “My ulcerative colitis will get worse and worse until I need surgery,” you can flip the image and say, “So far I haven’t licked this problem, but if I am persistent, I can improve my health.” Get Restorative SleepEssential to healing is getting enough sleep. As a culture, we are sleep deprived. Set your schedule so that you get at least seven to nine hours of sleep every night. This is where your body heals and recenters. Without adequate sleep, it is nearly impossible to heal. It is beyond the boundaries of this book to discuss sleep hygiene and tips and tools for sleeping better, but here are just a few.

At least one hour before bed, turn off your computer. Now it’s time for a bath or reading, listening to calming ideas, or relaxing with some music.Go to bed at the same time each night; wake up at the same time each day. Our parents knew something when they regulated our bedtime!Take calcium and magnesium before bed. This helps to relax your nerves and muscles.You may find teas that contain chamomile, hops, valerian, and/or passionflower to be calming and restful.Some people find that taking 50 to 200 mg 5-hydroxy-tryptophan (5HTP) or 1 to 3 mg melatonin helps with sleep.

Remember to rest when your body is tired. It is not culturally normal to nap unless we are in preschool or are elderly. Yet in many cultures, napping is considered to be an essential habit. Rather than pushing yourself when you’ve run out of steam, take time to rest or nap. You’ll find that this is restorative.  Adpated from Digestion Connection by Elizabeth Lipski, PhD, CCN, CHN (Rodale 2013).     [pagebreak] “The Greatest Hits” of YourselfClose your eyes for a minute, and think of all your most wonderful attributes. Compliment yourself freely. Take some time to appreciate your good points and achievements. Think about times in your life when you helped someone, fell in love, were in a beautiful place, made someone happy, and really felt good about yourself. Now quickly write down all of your best attributes. Don’t be shy: Overstate! This is your “greatest hits” list. It’s okay if you repeat yourself. Some of your attributes are worth repeating! If you’d like to, keep this list somewhere so you’ll be reminded of how terrific you are and how many blessings fill your life. Liking ourselves also helps our view of others and the world around us. Finding BalancePrioritizing helps us find the balance point in our lives. Balance is hard to achieve and maintain, but it is an honorable goal. Like for many people, if something really interests me, I take on new responsibilities and enjoyable events until I become overwhelmed. Then I make a list of all of my commitments and prioritize them to see what I can let go of responsibly. Soon my life is back in balance—until the next exciting possibility comes along and I’m overcommitted again. Be assertive: Learn to say no! Many years ago I read The Goddess Within Us by Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen. My big “aha” was that we expect ourselves to play many roles perfectly—wife/husband/mate, daughter/son, mother/father, businessperson, athlete, spiritual being, homemaker, cook, artist, and dedicated citizen, both locally and globally. Yet the Greek and Roman gods and goddesses were each excellent at only one thing. So why do we put such unreasonable and unrealistic demands on ourselves? A Buddhist saying is: “Expectation is the root of all suffering.” If we can be easier on ourselves and in our relationships, we can find more love, contentment, and peace. Most of us invest a lot of energy in our work, home, family, and friends. We begin with a barrel filled with apples. If we keep giving our apples away, soon our barrel is empty. We all need time to fill it back up and rejuvenate. Sometimes I ask my clients to take two hours during the middle of the day to rejuvenate themselves. The usual response is: “That sounds terrific, but you know it’s never going to happen.” But inside they know they really need to do this, so they figure out a way to make it happen. Your prescription: Take an hour or two every day to recharge your batteries. It’s not important what you do. Each of us finds renewal in different things. Here are some ideas: read something for fun, play a musical instrument, listen to music, garden, exercise, be outdoors, build something, have a date with a friend, write a letter, keep a journal, enjoy a hobby, take a class, go to church/temple, read holy scriptures, meditate. Vacations are an important way to put our lives in perspective, to value what is truly important. When was the last time you took a vacation? If it’s been more than a year, see if you can create the space to take one . . . even if it’s just for a few days. On the other hand, many people never grab for the ring, and they watch the world go by because they’re worried about taking a risk. Because we are afraid, we box ourselves into worlds that are small, hoping to gain control of the chaos “out there.” Fear is also stressful. Break out of your box. Act! Oh, to have loved and lost is way better than never to have loved at all. [pagebreak] Overcoming OverwhelmCompartmentalizing thoughts is a useful tool. Since we can think about or act upon only one responsibility at a time, it helps to put each one in a “compartment.” The pearl here is to be able to be 100 percent present and focused on each task while you are doing it. This frees the mind and calms the spirit. Here are some quick ideas for stress management:

Eat healthy foods.Develop better communication skills; learn to really listen.Exercise regularly.Spend time outdoors.Make time for yourself each day for pleasure or relaxation.Meditate or learn self-hypnosis or visualization techniques.Realize that you don’t have to be perfect.Think creatively.Go at your own pace.Think of solutions, not problems.Prioritize.Keep journals.Live one day at a time.Play and laugh.Spend time with friends and family.Be flexible.View your problems as an opportunity for growth.Plan for chaos in your daily schedule.Set clear priorities and stick to them.Breathe deeply.Plan ahead: Wake up 15 minutes earlier each morning, keep your car in good working order, put a duplicate car key in your wallet, and so on.Learn to say “No!”Turn off your phone or let your voice mail pick up the calls.Take a bath, shower, steam, or Jacuzzi.Make lists.Keep a calendar or appointment book.Reduce your driving speed by 10 miles per hour.Take one day a week to relax.Honor the Sabbath.Believe that people have good intentions and are doing the best job they can.See the world through a “loving” filter.

If you begin with just one or two of these stress-management techniques, you’ll find more peace and balance in your life. Find what works for you and make it into a habit. If you want to truly heal your body, you will find that exploring your emotional and spiritual self speeds up the process. Adapted from Digestion Connection, The Simple, Natural Plan to Combat Diabetes, Heart Disease, Osteoporosis, Arthritis, Acid Reflux—And More! By Elizabeth Lipski, PhD, CCN, CHN. (Rodale 2013)