Sixteen million adults now have the disease. One major cause? Rising obesity among young adults. Diabetes can be especially grave when it strikes early. “The younger you are when you get it, the tougher it is to avoid serious complications such as blindness and loss of limbs,” says Michael Engelgau, MD, a diabetes researcher at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. “People in their 30s don’t think it can happen to them,” says Dr. Engelgau, “but if the possibility of diabetes isn’t on their radar screen, it should be.” What you can doThe good news is that a 2000 Finnish study showed that three simple diet changes can head it off. Even in people with impaired glucose tolerance, a condition that often precedes diabetes, taking these steps reduced the subjects’ risk of progressing to diabetes by 58% over 4 years.Aim for the three diet goals below. You can achieve each goal with one little switch, as our examples show.

  1. Lose 8 lbs To drop 8 lbs in 1 year, do one of these:

Have flavored seltzer instead of a 12-oz can of Coke or Pepsi four times a week (about 150 fewer calories a day)Have a 1-oz bag of pretzels instead of a doughnut for coffee break 5 days a week (about 120 fewer calories a day)Have a Nutri-Grain Strawberries & Creme Twist instead of a Frosted Strawberry Pop Tart for breakfast every day (about 75 fewer calories a day)[pagebreak]

  1. Eat less fat To cut total daily fat intake by 22 g and saturated fat by 6 g (one-half of the maximum fat for women, one-third for men), do one of these:

Have a turkey sandwich with two tomato slices instead of two Cheddar cheese slicesHave 1 cup of tapioca pudding instead of 1 cup of Haagen-Dazs ice creamHave a Subway 6" Roast Beef Sub instead of a McDonald’s Quarter Pounder with Cheese

  3. Add more fiber To add 6 to 8 g of fiber–one-quarter of the fiber you need in a day—do one of these:

Have 1 cup of raisin bran cereal (8 g) instead of 1 cup of Cocoa Puffs (0 g)Have 1/2 cup of baked beans (7 g) instead of 1/2 cup of pasta salad (1 g)Have 1 large apple (7 g) instead of a fruit roll-up (0 g)Have 1 cup of lentil soup (7 g) instead of 1 cup of chicken with rice soup (1 g)