Not if you aren’t careful, finds new research published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. Alcohol combined with diet drinks significantly increases our levels of intoxication compared to cocktails made with non-diet beverages, the study found. In other words, you’ll find yourself drunker than you’d expect after sipping on the same number of drinks—which could have some seriously risky implications. To reach that conclusion, investigators asked 16 men and women (over a series of three sessions) to consume various doses of vodka combined with diet or non-diet soda. A control group also consumed beverages made without any alcohol at all. After each participant indulged in three or four drinks, researchers recorded their breath alcohol concentration, and asked for their self-reported ratings of intoxication, fatigue, and willingness to get behind the wheel of a car. Then, they compared those self-reported ratings to participants’ actual abilities when performing various tasks. Unfortunately for the low-cal cocktail fans among us, those consuming diet drinks had higher breath alcohol levels than their peers—even when both groups consumed the same quantity of vodka. Even worse? These individuals were unaware that they were any drunker than their fellow participants…meaning they felt equally capable of driving themselves home. More from Prevention: 7 Side Effects Of Diet Soda You’re probably well aware that a solid meal can blunt the intoxicating impact of a few drinks. As it turns out, sweetened beverages do the same thing: Even in a liquid form, sugar slows the rate of alcohol absorption into the bloodstream, researchers note. Artificial sweeteners, however, don’t have the same effect.  So how can you drink up safely, but still avoid sky-high calorie counts? Well, drinking in moderation is a good place to start: Alcohol is calorie-dense, and too much of it poses health risks more severe than a bigger waistline. When you do drink, don’t skip dinner or guzzle a tall glass of vodka sans mixer. Instead, enjoy a reasonable meal and whip up one of these healthier, nutritionist-approved cocktails. Questions? Comments? Contact Prevention’s News Team. Follow her on Twitter: @katiedrumm Send news tips and positive vibes to: