Here, six expert-recommended tips to help set you on a path for success:

  1. Ignore the horror stories. Tell people you have diabetes and inevitably you hear about so-and-so’s great aunt who had her leg amputated or the friend of a friend who almost went blind. True, these are real complications, but our knowledge about preventing them is so much better today, says Robert Henry, MD, president of medicine and science at the American Diabetes Association. Get your information from a reliable source: A good primary care physician or certified diabetes educator will help you best understand the disease, without overloading you with too much at once. You can also do some research on your own—visit the ADA at, or call (800) DIABETES.
  2. Walk a little more. It’s an easy way to boost physical activity, which lowers blood sugar for two reasons: Research shows that your body uses insulin more efficiently when you exercise, and working out helps you lose weight. Start with the old standards, says Henry: Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park in the farthest spot in the lot, get off the bus a stop early. Eventually work up to 30 minutes 5 days a week. For people with type 2, establishing a regular fitness routine may reduce or even eliminate the need for glucose-lowering diabetes medications. (Check out these 14 walking workouts to find the right fit for you.)
  3. Get your pressure and cholesterol numbers. Of course blood sugar levels are important, but they shouldn’t be your only focus. Diabetes doubles your risk of heart disease or stroke—and high blood pressure and cholesterol contribute to both. For most people, 130/80 is good for blood pressure; for cholesterol, the goal is less than 100 for “bad” LDL, above 40 for “good” HDL. More from Prevention: 13 Natural Ways To Lower Blood Pressure
  4. Make one diet change. Every small step really does improve your health, says DeCoste, so focus on just one food goal at a time—and the more specific it is, the more likely you’ll stick to it. For example, choose to fill half your plate with nonstarchy, fresh veggies (such as leafy greens, carrots, or asparagus) at every meal, suggests Dr. Henry—they’re low in calories and carbs and packed with filling fiber. Or start by skipping all full-fat milk products–it’ll help cut saturated fat from your diet and reduce your risk of heart disease.
  5. Do daily foot checks. Diabetes-related nerve and blood vessel damage can lead to poor circulation and loss of sensation in your feet. That means you may not feel a blister or sore; you’re also more likely to develop calluses or ulcers—all of which, left untreated, could lead to infection (or, in very serious cases, amputations). Look at your feet closely every day, and report any numbness, sores, or ingrown toenails to your doc, says DeCoste.
  6. Ask for support. Don’t be shy about letting family and friends know how they can help—bring your husband to your next doctor appointment, invite a friend to a diabetes education class, or ask a neighbor to join you for a walk. Chances are many of the diet and lifestyle changes you’ll need to make will impact your loved ones as well, and having them on board will help keep you on track, adds Dr. Henry. You can also connect with other people who have diabetes through local support groups or online forums (find both at More from Prevention: 14 Fantastically Healthy Foods for Diabetes