MORE: What Causes Dandruff?

Shampoo Often

The experts are unanimous on this point: Wash your hair often—every day if necessary. “Generally, the more frequently you shampoo, the easier it is to control the dandruff,” says Patricia Farris, MD. (Here’s the ingredient your shampoo needs to prevent dull-looking hair.)

Start Mild

Often a mild, nonmedicated shampoo is enough to control the problem. Dandruff is frequently caused by an overly oily scalp, says hair-care specialist Philip Kingsley. Washing daily with a mild brand of shampoo, diluted with an equal amount of water, can control the oil without aggravating your scalp.

Then Get Tough

If regular shampoos aren’t doing the job, switch to a dandruff-fighting formula. Dandruff shampoos are classified by their active ingredients, which work in different ways, says Yohini Appa, PhD. The tar-based shampoos slow cell production, while salicylic acid–based shampoos slough off dead cells before they clump. And both shampoos have antifungal properties and help fight invading yeast microbes, which is one of dandruff’s most persistent triggers. Zinc pyrithione and selenium sulfide reduce cell turnover, while sulfur is believed to cause slight skin irri­tation—just enough to lead to the shedding of flakes. MORE: 8 Tips To Get Healthy, Gleaming Hair

Beat The Tar Out Of It

“For very stubborn cases, I recommend tar-based formulas,” says Farris. “Lather with the tar shampoo and then leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes so that the tar has a chance to work.” Most people rinse dandruff shampoos off too quickly. Two brands to look for are Sebutone Tar Shampoo and MG 217 Medicated Tar Shampoo. Today’s newer tar formulas are much more fragrant than the smelly solutions of old.

Don’t Be Too Harsh

If tar-based shampoos—or any other dandruff remedies—are too harsh for everyday use, alternate them with your regular shampoo, suggests Farris.

Don’t Mix Black With Blond

If you have light-colored hair, think twice about tar-based shampoos. In rare instances, they can give white, blond, bleached, or tinted hair a temporary brownish discoloration, says Farris. MORE: 7 Things Your Hair Says About Your Health

Lather Twice

Always lather twice with a dandruff shampoo, says R. Jeffrey Herten, MD. Work up the first lather as soon as you step into the shower. Leave it on until you’re just about finished with your shower, then rinse your hair very thoroughly. Follow that with a quick second lather and rinse. The second washing will leave just a bit of the medication on your scalp so that it can work until your next shampoo.

Cap It

To improve the effectiveness of medicated dandruff remedy shampoos, put a shower cap on over your wet hair after you’ve lathered up. Leave it on for an hour, then rinse as usual.


If you’ve found a brand of shampoo that works well for you, keep using it, says Howard Donsky, MD. But don’t stock up on one antidandruff shampoo. Your scalp may become immune to a shampoo’s active ingredient, a condition called tachyphylaxis, says Jerome Litt, MD. Your only recourse is to switch to a new antidandruff shampoo with a different formulation. MORE: 20 Ways To Sleep Better Every Night

Massage It In

When shampooing, says Farris, gently massage your scalp with your fingertips to help loosen scales and flakes. But don’t scratch your scalp, she warns. That can lead to sores that are worse than the dandruff.

Flake Off

Joseph F. Fowler Jr., MD, recommends one particular over-the-counter product called Psoriasin Scalp Multi-Symptom Psoriasis Relief Liquid for people with especially stubborn scaling and crusting. Apply it to your scalp at bedtime and cover your hair with a shower cap. Wash it out in the morning. Although you can use this preparation every night, Fowler recommends once-a-week treatments. “It’s just too messy for daily use,” he says.

Get Into Condition

Although dandruff shampoos are effective on your scalp, they can be a little harsh on your hair, says Farris. So apply conditioner after every shampoo to counteract their effects.

Tap Into Tea Tree

Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic containing substances called terpenes that penetrate the top layers of the scalp, making their disinfectant powers absorb deeper than most. You should look for shampoos that contain tea tree oil, such as Nature’s Gate Organics Tea Tree & Blue Cypress Shampoo.

Let The Sun Shine

“A little sun exposure is good for dandruff,” says Fowler. That’s because direct ultraviolet light has an anti-inflammatory effect on scaly skin conditions. And it may explain why dandruff tends to be less severe in summer. But by all means, says Fowler, use sun sense. Don’t sunbathe; just spend a little time outdoors. Limit sun exposure to 30 minutes or less each day. And wear your normal sunscreen on exposed skin. “You have to balance the sun’s benefit to your scalp with its harmful effect on your skin in general,” he advises. MORE: 7 Ways To Baby Your Scalp For Younger-Looking Hair

Calm Down

Don’t overlook the role emotions play in triggering or worsening skin conditions such as dandruff and other forms of dermatitis. These conditions are often made worse by stress, says Fowler. So if your emotions are overtaxed, look for ways to counteract the stress. Exercise. Meditate. Get away from it all. And don’t worry so much about your dandruff. (Do you have one of these 10 silent signals of being too stressed?)

The Biology Of Dandruff

Dandruff is characterized by accelerated cell turnover. In other words, the cells on the surface of your skin build up like crazy. “Typically, it takes 21 days for new cells to migrate to the surface of your scalp, where they are shed,” says Appa. “Ideally, it’s an invisible process. But with dandruff, the cell reaches the surface in half the time.” As a result, cells build up on your scalp in clumps before they’re shed. And when they do shed, they look like tiny white flakes. Another cause is yeast infection of the scalp, says Appa. And though hormonal and seasonal changes don’t cause dandruff, they can exacerbate it, she says.

Dandruff Remedies From The Kitchen

Visit your kitchen with towel in hand to try these food remedies for dandruff: Green Tea: Douse dandruff with a cup of antioxidant-packed green tea, which will naturally exfoliate dry flakes without dehydrating skin. Steep two tea bags of green tea in 1 cup of hot water for 20 minutes to overnight. Once it’s cooled, massage the strong tea into your scalp. (Here’s 5 reasons your body wants you to drink green tea.) Thyme: A common kitchen herb, thyme is reputed to have mild antiseptic properties that can help alleviate dandruff. Make an effective rinse by boiling 4 heaping tablespoons of dried thyme in 2 cups of water for 10 minutes. Strain the brew and allow it to cool. Pour half the mixture over clean, damp hair, making sure the liquid covers the scalp. Massage in gently. Do not rinse. Save the remainder for another day. Olive Oil: Although excess scalp oil can cause problems, an occasional warm-oil treatment helps loosen and soften dandruff scales, says Herten. Heat a few ounces of olive oil on the stove until just warm. Wet your hair (otherwise the oil will soak into your hair instead of reaching your scalp), then apply the oil directly to your scalp with a brush or cotton ball. Section your hair as you go so that you treat just the scalp. Put on a shower cap and leave it on for 30 minutes. Then wash out the oil with a dandruff shampoo. MORE: Your Body On Olive Oil

When To Call A Doctor About Your Dandruff

Severe dandruff is actually a disease known as seborrheic dermatitis, which requires prescription medications. So, see a doctor if you have:

Scalp irritation Thick scale despite regular use of dandruff shampoos Yellowish crusting Red patches, especially along the neckline

Panel Of Advisors

Yohini Appa, PhD, is director of product efficacy at the Neutrogena Corporation in Los Angeles. Howard Donsky, MD, is a clinical instructor of dermatology at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. He is a dermatologist at the Dermatology and Cosmetic Center of Rochester in New York and author of Beauty Is Skin Deep. Patricia Farris, MD, is a clinical assistant professor of dermatology at Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans and a dermatologist in Metairie, Louisiana. Joseph F. Fowler Jr, MD, is a dermatologist and assistant clinical professor at the University of Louisville in Kentucky. R. Jeffrey Herten, MD, is a dermatologist in San Luis Obispo, California, and a former clinical assistant professor of dermatology at the University of California, Irvine. Maria Hordinsky, MD, is a professor and chair of the department of dermatology at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis/St. Paul. Philip Kingsley is the founder of Trichological Clinics in London and New York City. He is fellow and past chairman of the Institute of Trichologists and has been a trichologist (hair-care specialist for more than 50 years.) Jerome Z. Litt, MD, is a dermatologist and clinical assistant professor of dermatology at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland and author of the book Your Skin: From Acne to Zits and Curious, Odd, Rare and Abnormal Reactions to Medications.