And by a few hours, we really mean a few. After studying the data of more than 84,000 postmenopausal women, researchers from the University of Washington discovered that in order for women to get the maximum benefit, they needed to perform 10 metabolic equivalents per week—equal to three hours of normal walking (up to 3 mph), four hours of light gardening, or one hour of moderate jogging (up to 6 mph).  “The cause for such a rapid increase in kidney stones is not completely understood,” explains study author Mathew Sorensen, MD, MS, assistant professor and director of the Comprehensive Metabolic Stone Clinic at the university. “It is likely due to increased rates of obesity and metabolic syndrome, especially in women.” Obesity affects the body’s sensitivity to insulin and how it handles cholesterol and fats, Dr. Sorensen says, which might help explain the stones: Study participants who consumed more than 2,500 calories a day increased their risk for kidney stones by 42%. So why exercise? “Exercise changes how much fluid we drink and way our body handles electrolytes and minerals like sodium and calcium, which protects against stone formation,” he explains. The best part—you don’t have to run marathons to see the effect. According to the research, the intensity of the exercise didn’t matter. It could also mean that women who exercise even this very small amount are less likely to lead a healthier lifestyle free of obesity, hypertension and diabetes—which all contribute to your risk for kidney stones. Cringing at the thought of braving the elements for your weekly three hours? Check out these Dos and Don’ts Of Indoor Walking so you can stay warm and free of kidney stones.