[sidebar]GUEST OP ED I recently learned something disturbing: Most of the chicken Americans buy harbors harmful bacteria that can make us sick. In fact, in a recent study from Consumer Reports, 97% of the chicken breasts they tested, purchased at stores across the U.S., had harmful bacteria on them, more than half of the samples contained fecal contaminants, and about half of them harbored antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Just to reiterate, I said fecal contaminants and antibiotic resistant bacteria on the chicken I bring home from the supermarket!   This information makes me run through all the chicken I’ve ever brought home, the way you might run through ex-boyfriends in your mind to remember all the past mistakes you’ve made. How close have I been to spreading antibiotic resistant bacteria in my own home? Am I more or less rolling the dice every time I bring home a new chicken to meet the family? I’m relieved that at the NRDC, we’re working towards fixing the problem of antibiotic misuse in poultry—we’re calling out the FDA for allowing important antibiotics to be used, despite their own findings that using these drugs poses a “high risk” to human health.  And we’re challenging companies like Foster Farms, whose chicken was linked to the Salmonella outbreak a few months ago sickening hundreds. But in the near term, the thought of raw chicken induced biological warfare in my kitchen, is making me cringe. I start considering my options:

  1. Go all vegan. Abstinence is the best form of protection. If I don’t bring any chicken home, then I won’t have to worry about this problem, right? Or is there a name for someone who eats anything BUT chicken? Poultriphobic?2. Cover up. When I cook chicken at home, strap on latex gloves, a surgeon’s mask, and cook my chicken like I’m performing triple bypass surgery. Trade in my apron for a nice set of scrubs, and quarantine my kitchen.3. Get creative. Consider ditching real food all together and start chugging Soylent—a “thick, odorless, beige liquid” that includes protein, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals. They say it’s the food of the future. Yum!

But despite my good intentions and creativity in the kitchen, I can’t deny one simple fact: Chicken tastes darn good and it’s one of the few things my picky toddler will eat. And the truth is, no matter what I do in my home, antibiotic resistant superbugs are out in the world. So here is my more realistic plan of action: When it comes to buying chicken, I’m going to be smart and buy antibiotic-free when it’s available. It’s true that all chicken may carry bacteria, but I can feel good about supporting farmers that use safer practices to raise their chickens, instead of those who use our wonder drugs to make up for unsanitary and crowded conditions in factory farms, or those who hide their antibiotic use from the public. When healthy animals are routinely fed antibiotics, those same antibiotics may not work when we need them most: When our kids get strep, our parents get pneumonia, or our loved ones face a life-threatening illness.   Instead of washing raw chicken before cooking, which I was shocked to learn only increases the chance that you’ll spread bacteria in your kitchen, I’m going to blot my chicken with a paper towel before putting it in the oven. And, of course, always cook it to 165°F! And on the rare instances when a working mom like me gets a night out on the town, I’ll be sure to ask my server if the chicken they are serving is antibiotic-free. It’s a small thing, but asking a question like that over and over again will help drive awareness and demand. I’ll probably still order the fish or go vegetarian when I’m out, because the term “fecal contaminants” is forever etched in my memory. But at least I’ll inspire someone else to make a change and continue putting consumer pressure on industry.  Emily Martin is a campaign manager with NRDC working on antibiotic stewardship in the livestock industry. She resides in Brooklyn with her husband and their 2-year-old son.