Try it: Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth—and don’t be afraid to make some noise. “The more forcefully your exhale, the more forceful the contraction of your TA,” says Reavy. “The most important thing is to feel the work in the abs the entire time you’re holding a plank.” When you feel your form start to break down or you feel another muscle compensating, take a break and then come back for another set or two.  You can also use Reavy’s birthday-breathing technique to get more out of any exercise. “Your abdominals are your crossroads for everything; all forces cross through here,” says Reavy. “If your abs aren’t turned on, then everything else has to work harder. So if you are squatting, lunging, running, or doing any other activity, engage your transverse abdominals with that forceful exhale. Your abdominals always need to be working.”  MORE: 50 Little Ways To Get A Flat Belly