Guys with no risk factors for heart disease were able to put off their first heart attack, stroke, or other cardiovascular event by up to 14 years. That’s compared to men who had two or more of four risk factors: diabetes, high blood pressure, smoking, and abnormal cholesterol levels. His risk in perspective: Odds of two in three over a lifetime sound scary—and they are “massive,” says study author John T. Wilkins, MD, MS, of Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. Even men with none of the four risk factors at age 55 had about a 40% lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease. The key word, though, is lifetime. For the study, to be published in the November 7 issue of JAMA, the researchers followed five large groups of participants for as long as they lived, up to 85 or 95 years. For middle-aged and younger guys, the key is taking steps to ward off risk factors before they become a problem, rather than treating blood pressure or cholesterol after it’s already high, Dr. Wilkins says. “If you do all you can to maintain as optimal a risk profile as possible, these data strongly suggest you’re going to live a lot longer and a lot healthier,” Dr. Wilkins says. (Have him take this 3-minute quiz to assess his risk.) Attack heart warning signs: Besides the standard heart-health advice—working out regularly and maintaining a healthy weight—here’s how to tackle each of the risk factors cited in the study: 

High blood pressure. Skip the sugary soda. Drinking just one less can of cola per day is linked to a blood pressure reading that’s 1.8 mm/Hg lower on top and 1.1 mm/Hg lower on bottom, according to a 2010 study in Circulation. (Blend a blueberry smoothie instead—another recent study found the fruit may bring your readings down; try this tasty recipe.)Diabetes. Unglue your butt from your seat. British researchers analyzed 15 previous studies and found people who spent the most time sedentary had more than twice the risk of developing type 2 diabetes as those who spent the least time at rest. (Is your office chair killing you? Find out how to whip up your own standing desk.)Cholesterol. Snack on nuts. About two and a half ounces of nuts per day dropped total cholesterol levels 5.1% and LDL or “bad” cholesterol levels 7.4% after three to eight weeks, Loma Linda University researchers found.Smoking. “Obviously, do not start,” Dr. Wilkins says. Already a smoker? Put some cash on the line to help you quit. Growing research suggests financial incentives can help smokers kick the habit, say University of Vermont researchers in the journal Preventive Medicine. Websites like stickK let you set a goal, enter your credit card number, and charge you when you fail—sending the proceeds to a person or organization you pick ahead of time.

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