Is This The Future Of Antibiotics? [CBS News] Health experts are growing increasingly concerned about the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance, warning that dangerous microorganisms are quickly becoming immune to the effects of common medications. Now, one team of scientists have an unusual solution: Giant pandas. A group of investigators have isolated a compound in the bloodstream of the adorable animals that they suspect is capable of rapidly killing bacteria, including drug-resistant strains. Fortunately, they’re not suggesting we decimate the endangered population: The antibiotic compound found in panda blood can be produced synthetically in the lab. (Concerned about antibiotics? Find out Whether They’re Lurking In Your Food—and what to do about it.) The Real Reason You’re In Pain [Futurity] Sore knees, nagging back strain, ubiquitous headaches. For many people, chronic pain can seem like an unfortunate fact of life, with an estimated one in five of us suffering from ongoing discomfort at some point in our lives. Turns out, whether or not we’re vulnerable to aches might have a lot to do with our genes: A recent investigation suggests that certain genetic patterns make some people more sensitive to pain, and also put them at an increased risk of longterm pain problems. Researchers hope that the findings yield new medications that can better curb chronic pain. (Manage your discomfort today with 8 Natural Ways To Beat Pain.)  New Year, New Inbox [Fast Company] Will 2013 be the year that you finally get your email under control? It could be an easy resolution to keep, thanks to two new, free tools—both compatible with Gmail and Outlook—that offer unique ways to organize, save, and schedule emails. Take one example: If an email arrives before you actually want to deal with it (say, an invitation to a party that’s six weeks away), one program gives you the ability to have that email redelivered at a later date—making space in your Inbox for messages that need your attention sooner. (Your inbox might be improving, but how’s your email etiquette? Find out if you’re guilty of committing these Office Habits That Annoy Coworkers.) Follow her on Twitter: @katiedrumm Send news tips and positive vibes to: