You know the feeling: tight, itchy skin that leads to irrational urges to throw yourself into a vat of body lotion. Though some people struggle with dryness year-round, it’s more common when the thermometer drops. Flakes often cluster where we have the fewest oil glands: hands, feet, elbows, and knees. Why it happens Skin is hydrated through diet and by absorbing water from the air. But when the humidity drops and dry heat cranks, there’s less moisture available. Plus, as we age, our skin has less oil and glycosaminoglycans, which help it hold water. Just layering on lotion won’t do it. For optimal hydration, try these tweaks.     Cleanse gently   A foamy wash may be your dry skin’s worst enemy. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), a cleansing agent used in soaps, cleansers, and shampoos, washes away dirt and also skin’s natural oils. Opt instead for an SLS-free formula or an oil-based cleanser, which does the job without sucking moisture from your skin. If you worry that washing with oil will leave you feeling slick, rest easy: “Oil breaks down dirt and other oils, then emulsifies to wash them away, cleaning without completely stripping your skin the way soap does,” says dermatologist Noelle Sherber, MD. Try Eve Lom Cleanser ($62;, which can be used even on acneprone faces, and Eau Thermale Avene Cleansing Oil ($30; for the body.       Exfoliate   No matter how many thick lotions you slather on, they won’t sink in if the skin is covered with dead cells. The solution? Scrub, but be gentle: “Harsh exfoliants can further irritate dry skin,” says Dr. Sherber. Avoid exfoliators with gritty pieces, and look for soft jojoba beads or sugar. Try Intelligent Nutrients Refining Micro-Polish ($50; for your face and Aura Cacia Nourishing Body Polish ($11; for your body. (These DIY recipes work wonders, too.)       Layer lotions   To stay warm when you’re spending time outside, you layer long underwear and then pants, not the other way around. Order matters when it comes to skin care, too. After cleansing, while skin is still damp, apply a mild moisturizer that contains shea butter, glycerin, or ceramides, like CeraVe Moisturizing Cream ($15; for your face and Tatcha Indigo Soothing Silk Body Butter ($48; If your skin is extra dry, seal in your moisturizer with a natural oil, says Dr. Sherber. For your face, use a light oil like grapeseed—it won’t clog pores and has anti-inflammatory properties to calm itchy, red skin. For your body, go for a heavier but still nongreasy oil like jojoba.       Doctor your bath   A steaming hot soak or shower can be tempting when it’s freezing outside, but too-hot water will work against you, breaking down the lipid barrier in your skin and depleting natural oils. Instead, soak in a warm tub that’s infused with a few teaspoons of natural, lightweight plant-based oils (i.e., not baby oil, which is made from a petroleum by-product), such as grapeseed, almond, sesame, or coconut. Go for the pure oils, or find them in Farmhouse Fresh Clementine Sparkling Soak and Body Oil ($20; and Neutrogena Body Oil ($12; Just be careful exiting an oily tub! The key is sealing moisture in, so pat dry and apply lotions and oils while skin is still damp.       Add humidity   The most common type of indoor heat is forced air, which is also the most drying. And if you live in a semiarid climate, like Colorado’s, you’re getting a double whammy. Consider this secret weapon: a humidifier in your bedroom. Sleeping in moist air can help rebalance skin and keep it hydrated all day.       Reduce sugar   Too much salty food can dehydrate you and your skin. But switching from popcorn to Milk Duds at the movies isn’t the solution—too much sugar can also take a toll. Dry skin is inflamed, so it’s less able to hold on to moisture. “sugar causes even more inflammation, which damages collagen and elastin in the skin’s fibers, leading to more moisture loss,” says Lauren slayton, RD. To stay hydrated, keep your added sugar intake under 25 g a day. That’s a piece of dark chocolate, a protein bar, or a cup of flavored yogurt (in addition to thesesugar smart recipes).       Add omega-6s   To keep skin moist, increase the natural oils inside your body as well as out. Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is a type of omega-6 fatty acid that helps reduce dry skin. To get more of it through your diet, try taking a capsule of evening primrose or borage oil, or add a scoop of green spirulina to a smoothie. “Hemp seeds are also great—just sprinkle a teaspoon on a salad or oatmeal for added benefits,” says Slayton, who’s the owner of the New York City nutrition-counseling firm Foodtrainers.       Try Ayurveda   According to Ayurvedic medicine, we’re all a mix of three constitutions, called doshas: pitta (fire sign), vata (wind/air), and kapha (earth/water). All three need to be in balance for your body to function at its best. Dry skin “likely means too much vata. But it could also mean you’re heavy on pitta,” says Hilary Garivaltis, president of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association. To achieve balance, massage yourself with warmed oils. Use sesame if you’re more vata (characteristics: energetic, trouble sleeping, digestion issues, cold), coconut oil if you’re pitta (fiery temperament, a great sleeper, can eat anything, warm). More from Prevention:New Natural Skin Treaments       Look to TCM   Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners believe that skin is affected by imbalances between qi, blood flow, yin, yang, and blocked energy pathways. “The lungs’ qi can be deficient, allowing wind, cold, and heat to penetrate,” says Erik Isaacman, co-owner of inner Gate Acupuncture in Portland, OR. He recommends adding lung-moistening black sesame seeds, goji berries, Asian pears, and wood ear mushrooms to your diet. More from Prevention: 16 Simple Healing Foods