(You don’t need ridiculously hard workouts to get the body you want. Tighten your tummy and tone every inch in just minutes a day with these exclusive routines from Prevention’s Flat Belly Barre!) Metabolic slowdown is a real thing. It’s due to your muscle mass declining—by up to 8% each decade after age 30 and up to 10% after the big 5-0. “You lose about a half pound of lean muscle every year in your 30s and 40s, and once you hit your 50s, you lose roughly a pound a year,” says Wayne Westcott, an exercise physiologist at Quincy College in Boston. Although researchers aren’t exactly sure how this happens, the leading theory is that your body starts breaking down muscle at a faster rate than it can build it back up again. Muscle is metabolically active, so your metabolism slows as it declines.  So, what do you think might reverse the trend? That’s right, more muscle! MORE: 9 New Ways To Lose Belly Fat Research shows that lifting weights twice a week for 25 minutes will get you the additional brawn to keep your metab humming. One study done by Westcott of more than 1600 people between the ages of 21 and 80 showed a muscle gain of around 3.1 pounds after 10 weeks of resistance training twice a week. “That’s the equivalent of reversing about 6 years of aging,” explains Westcott. The subjects did one set of 12 different exercises, using a high enough weight that they fatigued after 8 to 12 reps. Best part is, it didn’t matter whether they were 25 or 75; there were similar results across all age groups.