If you rely on over-the-counter pain relievers to soothe aches or manage a chronic health condition, take note: Unsettling new research suggests that one common variety of pills might actually harm your eyesight.  Taking aspirin at least twice a week is associated with an increased risk of vision problems, finds a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. After tracking the aspirin use and eye health of nearly 5,000 adults for over two decades, researchers found that regular aspirin takers were more likely to develop age-related macular degeneration (the leading cause of blindness in older adults) than non-users. Unfortunately, aspirin’s not the only medication that might be accompanied by unexpected risks. Just last year, experts at Brigham and Women’s Hospital warned that ibuprofen and acetaminophen were linked to an increased likelihood of hearing loss in women. (Find out more about the surprising connection between these pain pills and hearing loss.)  But before swear off aspirin completely, ask yourself how often you’re using over-the-counter pills: “If you take a pain reliever for a headache or backache once in a blue moon, you don’t need to worry,” says Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, author of Pain Free 1-2-3. But when taken on a daily or weekly basis to manage chronic conditions like arthritis or migraine headaches, Dr. Teitelbaum says that pain relievers might end up causing more harm than good.  Fortunately, cutting back on pain pills doesn’t need to be, ahem, painful. “There are many natural supplements and lifestyle changes that research shows can manage pain as effectively [as conventional medications],” Dr. Teitelbaum says. Talk to your doctor before making any drastic switches, but consider the following options to cut down on the pills: For mild aches and soreness First, try movement. Warm the affected area with a hot compress for 10 minutes, then gently stretch it. Salt can help, too. “Add two cups of Epsom salt to a warm bath, and you’ll feel your muscles start to melt,” Dr. Teitelbaum says. “Your body absorbs the magnesium in the salt, which helps to relax muscles.” (Relieve what ails you with these 5 Yoga Poses That Banish Pain.) For arthritis Some research shows that omega-3 fatty acids, found in foods like fish and walnuts (or supplements) may help relieve tender joints and reduce the need for pain pills. Other natural supplements like ginger, curcumin, and boswellia also appear to have anti-inflammatory effects.  For headaches Taking 400 mg of vitamin B2 daily has been shown to reduce the frequency of headaches and migraines, Dr. Teitelbaum says. For some people, avoiding certain trigger foods—like chocolate, red wine, and aged cheeses—can also make a difference.  More from Prevention: 11 Natural Cures For Pain Questions? Comments? Contact Prevention’s News Team!

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