I don’t like to be too dismissive of a patient’s eye twitching, however, because it’s often a symptom of fatigue and stress (if not caused by a direct eyelid irritant). Chronic fatigue and stress can take a serious toll on your health in ways that go way beyond an involuntary eye twitch, including brain fog, skin rashes and bodily pain, and serious conditions like high blood pressure. MORE: 7 Weird Skin Symptoms You Should Definitely Get Checked Out Scientists aren’t sure why, but high stress levels can cause a part of your brain in charge of muscle control (the basal ganglia) to function abnormally. This can cause the nerves around your eyelid to essentially misfire, hence the muscle twitch. So if you’re feeling run-down, think of that eye twitching as a reminder to take care of yourself and focus on your health. Get enough sleep, and don’t overdose on caffeine or alcohol—factors that put extra stress on your body and may worsen the eye twitch. Consider making time for your overall mind-body wellness: Unwind with yoga, meditation, reading, or a much-needed muscle massage. (consider these 2-minute stress solutions for quick ways to relax). If you get your stress level in check, odds are good that your eye spasms will stop. If your eyelids still won’t stop twitching, or they’re accompanied by other concerning symptoms, see your doctor to make sure there’s not a larger health condition to worry about and discuss possible treatments. But most of the time, that weird eye twitch is more unsettling than it is cause for real concern.