A no-brainer? Not by a long shot. The researchers found that half of the 1,355 study participants did not receive care from a rheumatologist, even though all had health insurance that did not restrict access to specialists. About 75% of the time, rheumatologists provided the level of care recommended by the American College of Rheumatology, such as annual doctor visits, blood tests, and drug monitoring. People who did not have a rheumatologist as part of their health care team received that level of care just 50%% of the time, says study author Catherine MacLean, MD, PhD, assistant professor of medicine at the UCLA Division of Rheumatology. Follow these steps to get the best care: Call the right doc. If you have pain and swelling in three or more joints, see a rheumatologist to find out which type of arthritis you have. RA affects about 1 in every 100 adults in the US. Left untreated, RA can permanently damage joints in just 1 year. Add a specialist to your team. If you already have RA, consult a rheumatologist even if you’re under the treatment of your family doc. The specialist may confirm that your primary care physician is providing high-quality care-but since the stakes are high, it’s worth getting a second opinion. Phone your family doctor too. Researchers also found that people with RA often have other health conditions that are not well managed—conditions that can shorten your life span by 5 to 15 years. Your best defense: Be your own health advocate—and talk to your primary care physician about watching out for other conditions. More from Prevention: How To Stretch AwayBack Pain