Researchers analyzed 75 cell phones—including iPhones, Droids, Blackberries, and flip phones—in search of models containing two common allergens, cobalt and nickel. Flip phones contained the most nickel, and when it came down to the smart phones, the Blackberry was the only model to contain one of the suspect substances, says lead study author Tania Mucci, MD, a member of the ACAAI. (That’s not all. Find out how toxins in cell phones can damage the planet.) [sidebar] If your skin’s in contact with the metal for too long, you could develop an allergy to it, according to the Mayo Clinic. What that looks like: dry, itchy patches of skin along your cheekbones, jaw line, and ears. Worse, if overexposure to an allergen continues to occur, you can develop post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (a darkening of the skin pigment due to increased amounts of melanin) and scarring, Dr. Mucci says. There’s no cure for a nickel allergy, so your best bet is to eliminate the nickel-contaminated substance that’s giving you fits, says Dr. Mucci. Translation: Out with your Blackberry, in with another smart phone. And while you’re searching for a new model, grab an oral antihistamine like Allegra to relieve the itching. More from Prevention: 8 Life-Saving Apps Not sure whether it’s an allergic reaction or just dry skin? See your doctor for a patch test, suggests Dr. Mucci. Your doc will place small quantities of potential allergens (including nickel) on your skin, and leave them on for two days to test for a reaction. (Curious what else unexpectedly triggers allergy symptoms? See Stop Hidden Allergy-Related Problems.)

Are You Allergic To Your Smart Phone    Prevention - 84