“Just 30 to 45 minutes 5 days a week combats so many unwanted side effects of aging, including weight gain, a slow metabolism, diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, and even osteoporosis,” says fitness expert Nicole Glor. “And adding in a little strength and flexibility will really round out your anti-aging strategy, and help you stay even stronger, firmer, and as pain-free as possible.” Glor created this anti-aging walking plan—which inspired her new Anti-Aging Walking Workout DVD—to help her 40+ clients get super fit while still taking it easy on their joints. “It slowly builds you up to that 40- to 45-minute walking goal,” says Glor. “Women love it because it’s gentle, but it works.” Now is that a reason to get back to walking, or what? Your 4-Week Anti-Aging Walking PlanWeek 1Monday: Walk ½ mile or 10 minutesTuesday: Walk ½ mile or 10 minutes + Anti-Aging Tone & Walk Moves (see below)Wednesday: Walk ½ mile or 10 minutes (Add incline or walk on a hill to pump up toning/calorie burn.)Thursday: Walk ½ mile or 10 minutes + Anti-Aging Tone & Walk MovesFriday: Walk ½ mile or 10 minutes + Anti-Aging Tone & Walk MovesSaturday: RestSunday Bonus: Stretch or do yoga MORE: The 5 Best Foods For Joint Pain Week 2Monday: Walk 1 mile or 20 minutesTuesday: Walk 1 mile or 20 minutes + Tone & Walk MovesWednesday: Walk 1 mile or 20 minutes (Add incline or walk on a hill to pump up toning/calorie burn.)Thursday: Walk 1 mile or 20 minutes + Tone & Walk MovesFriday: Walk 1 mile or 20 minutes + Tone & Walk MovesSaturday: RestSunday Bonus: Stretch or do yoga (Try these 12 hip-opening yoga moves.) Week 3Monday: Walk 2 miles or 30 minutesTuesday: Walk 2 miles or 30 minutes + Anti-Aging Tone & Walk MovesWednesday: Walk 2 miles or 30 minutes (Add incline or walk on a hill to pump up toning/calorie burn.)Thursday: Walk 2 miles or 30 minutes + Anti-Aging Tone & Walk MovesFriday: Walk 2 miles or 30 minutes + Anti-Aging Tone & Walk MovesSaturday: RestSunday Bonus: Stretch or do yoga MORE: 3 Couple Stretches You Won’t Feel Completely Ridiculous Doing Week 4Monday: Walk 3 miles or 40 to 45 minutesTuesday: Walk 2 miles or 30 minutes + Tone & Walk MovesWednesday: Walk 2 miles or 30 minutes (Add incline or walk on a hill to pump up toning/calorie burn.)Thursday: Walk 2 miles or 30 minutes + Tone & Walk MovesFriday: Walk 2 miles or 30 minutes + Tone & Walk MovesSaturday: RestSunday Bonus: Stretch or do yoga MORE: 3 New Walking Workouts That Blast Fat Your Anti-Aging Tone & Walk Moves Tag these moves on to the beginning or end of your walk, or carry your weights with you and intersperse these strength moves throughout your walk. “They’ll tone your body, build lean muscle, increase your heart rate, and burn more calories,” says Glor. Biceps Curl + Kick Targets: Biceps, butt, core, legs Step forward with the right leg, raise the left knee and extend the leg into a powerful kick forward with the left foot flexed while raising the weights up to shoulder level to work the biceps. Lower the left leg, and kick with the right while lowering the weights. Repeat the kicks and biceps curls for 30 seconds. Stepping Triceps Kickbacks Targets: Triceps, thighs Start in a shallow lunge, right foot in front of left foot, holding 1 weight in each hand with elbows bent and weights on either side of your ribcage. Tap your left foot beside your right foot as you extend your arms behind you, squeezing triceps. Tap your left foot back to start as you bring weights back to chest. Continue for 30 seconds. Switch legs and repeat for another 30 seconds. Shoulder Knee Lift Targets: Shoulders, back, butt, legs Stand with arms extended, 1 weight in each hand, with weights by hips and palms facing your body. Lift the right knee up to hip level as you raise the weights just above your chest. Lower the weights as you step the right foot down. Repeat, lifting the left knee. Continue for 30 seconds, alternating knees with each rep. Inside Biceps Cross Targets: Biceps, legs Hold 1 weight in each hand and stand with arms extended by sides, palms facing away from you. Tap right toe to the ground as you curl the left hand in toward your right shoulder, across the centerline of your body, while keeping the left elbow close to your waist. Lower the left hand as you immediately tap the left toe and cross the right hand and weight toward the left shoulder. Repeat for 30 seconds.