It all began with F. M. Alexander, an actor. When conventional medicine didn’t cure his chronic hoarseness and voice loss (a real problem for him, employment-wise), he spent 9 years in careful self-examination during which he concluded that head, neck, and torso alignment was essential in controlling posture and body function. Properly aligned people, he believed, would be able to project better, perform better, and feel better about themselves. Proponents of the technique believe that until about age 5, we’re balanced and ready for movement. Thereafter, we start to pick up bad postural habits, and that’s why practitioners consider the technique a “re-education.” “The Alexander Technique re-teaches the body what it knew when you were a preschooler, which is to maintain balance and ease while moving,” says Celeste Kelly, an American Society for the Alexander Technique certified teacher. Learning to Let GoThe key to learning the technique is to understand Alexander’s term inhibition. Before we make a move, the body naturally tenses all the muscles it will use for the move. The technique teaches you to focus on that tensing, and stop doing it. At my first lesson, I sat on a massage table as Kelly patiently taught me how to lengthen my torso by stretching myself out on the table. I didn’t get it right on the first try because I was concentrating too hard, she said. “Students who consciously try to do it the ‘right’ way are slower to learn,” said Kelly. While lying on the table, I was coached to roll over onto my back, knees bent, arms to my sides, with my head resting on a 1-inch-thick book to keep my head, neck, and torso all on the same plane. I felt relaxed, but Kelly said I hadn’t released the tension in my muscles. With the slightest touch, she began to reposition different parts of my body. At first, it was difficult for me to let go, but she suggested that I say to myself, “My neck is free to let my head go forward and up.” As I repeated this mantra, she cradled my head in her hands and gently pulled up to lengthen my neck. She then adjusted my shoulders to widen them. It’s not unusual for students to feel a little bit disoriented after being “realigned.” The cool thing about learning the Alexander Technique is that as the muscles get retrained, you’ll feel more comfortable, and the old habits (such as slouching) will start to feel strange. Alexander in a NutshellBenefits: Better posture, ease of movement, reduced risk of injury, pain relief, improved balance, symptom relief for breathing disorders such as asthma, positive mental healthLength of time to see results: Varies; average is 6 to 10 lessons.Cost: $40 to $80 per lessonTime: Lessons last 45 to 60 minutes.To learn more or find a teacher, visit American Society for the Alexander Technique. More from Prevention: Yoga Poses For Better Posture