Turnips: One-half cup has only 18 calories but is rich in cancer-fighting compounds called glucosinolates. Blend turnips into your favorite mashed potato recipe for lower-calorie comfort food.   Cauliflower: One cup of this cruciferous veggie (cooked) contains nearly 20% of your daily need for bone-building vitamin K. Toss florets with oil and red-pepper flakes and roast.   Onions: A rich source of quercetin, a flavonoid linked with reduced risk of colon cancer, chop and sprinkle onto canned soups for a homemade touch.   Jicama: A cup provides nearly one-quarter of the daily fiber requirement and one-third of your need for the antioxidant vitamin C. Slice thinly into strips and dip into salsa.   Radishes: A peppery addition to salads, 1/2 cup has 9 calories and is a good source of vitamin C.   Garlic: It may lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels and protect against cancer. Crush before using in recipes to unleash healthful compounds.   Cannellini beans: Just 1 cup provides nearly half of your daily fiber need and 14 g of filling protein. Sauté with olive oil and rosemary for a quick side.   Parsnips: This carrot cousin is packed with vitamin C and fiber. Slice, drizzle with oil and maple syrup, and roast in oven.   Pine nuts: They’re rich in manganese, a mineral crucial for metabolism and bone health. Toast and toss onto soups and salads.