1. AvoidanceKeep your home as allergen-free as possible. Shut windows to keep pollen out. Try to stay indoors in the morning and when it’s windy—that’s when pollen counts are highest. (Check current levels at Take off your shoes and change clothes after coming indoors. Dust with a damp cloth and use a vacuum cleaner with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter daily. Shower before bed to rinse off pollen that collects on skin and hair during the day.
  2. Air conditioningAir conditioning—whether central or window unit—filters air so allergens can’t circulate. “Even if you don’t turn on the cool setting, run the fan,” says Janna Tuck, a spokesperson for the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology and an allergist in Cape Girardeau, MO. Change the filter at least every 3 months, and consider one rated as having a minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) of 11 or more, which studies find removes allergens better than lower-rated filters.
  3. ExerciseAllergy sufferers found that running on a treadmill at a moderate pace for 30 minutes significantly relieved symptoms such as congestion and sneezing in one small Thai study (intense workouts were less effective). Researchers suggest that the workouts are beneficial because they help control allergy-fueling inflammatory proteins; plus, exercise opens up nasal passages, which can ease congestion. The study didn’t look at whether outdoor workouts are also helpful. (No time to exercise? Yes you do, with these 10-minute super-effective workouts from Fit in 10.)


  1. Diet modificationIf you’re allergic to specific pollens, symptoms may get worse (or you may notice new ones like an itchy mouth) after eating produce that contains proteins similar to those pollens. For instance, apples and cherries cross-react with birch tree pollen, bananas and cucumbers with ragweed. If certain foods trigger a reaction, avoid eating them raw; cooked versions are fine, as heat breaks down the offending proteins. (Add these 7 foods to your diet to naturally fight seasonal allergies.)
  2. Oral antihistaminesThese OTC medications block the action of histamine, an inflammatory chemical the body produces during an allergic reaction. Second-generation antihistamines (Allegra, Claritin, Zyrtec) relieve symptoms without the drowsy side effects of older, first-generation drugs like Benadryl. Most drugs from both categories start to provide relief within an hour, but the older drugs reach peak effectiveness in 1 to 2 days while newer drugs take 3 to 5.
  3. ProbioticsStudies find that boosting the body’s friendly bacteria with probiotics (found as supplements or in foods such as yogurt or miso) may help prevent and relieve nasal allergies, possibly by regulating the immune system’s response. Clinical trials haven’t determined which strains work best, but studies often use lactobacilli and bifidobacteria strains in doses of 2 billion to 5 billion colony-forming units once or twice daily.


  1. Nasal spraysPrescription-only antihistamine sprays such as Astepro or Patanase have several advantages over OTC antihistamines. “Sprays deliver medication where symptoms occur, and they work within minutes,” says Andrew Murphy, a board-certified allergist at the Asthma, Allergy, and Sinus Center in West Chester, PA. You can also use OTC corticosteroid sprays (Flonase, Nasacort) to reduce inflammation. Nasal antihistamines and steroids can be used together.
  2. Immunotherapy tabletsSublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) tablets deliver small amounts of an allergen under the tongue to boost tolerance and prevent reactions. Studies find that the three approved SLIT drugs (Grastek and Oralair for grass allergies, Ragwitek for ragweed allergies) improve symptoms by 20 to 38% for up to 3 years. You have to start taking tablets daily at least 3 months before allergy season begins, and the tablets provide relief only from the specific allergen in the formulation.
  3. Allergy shotsWith injected immunotherapy, your allergist custom-makes the formulation to match your allergies. The benefits of shots are similar to those of SLIT, but results can last for decades. The therapy takes time, though: You start with weekly shots for up to a year, followed by monthly shots for 3 to 5 years. After each injection, you must wait in the doctor’s office for half an hour to make sure you don’t have a severe anaphylactic reaction, which is rare but possible.