And if you’re new to strength training, stability balls have an edge on identifying breaks in form. Think about how you would do a push-up: Are you keeping your pelvis tucked? Are your shoulders above your wrists? “It can help you make sure your form is okay, if you’re a beginner or intermediate, and the added stimulation of an unstable object can help your coordination and balance,” says Gilna.
To help you get started with using a stability ball, Gilna designed a total-body workout that’ll work everything from your core to your glutes to your shoulders. But before you get moving, be sure you’re using the correct size stability ball: If you’re 5'4” or shorter, go with a 55 cm ball. Those who are above 5'4" and no taller than 5'7", reach for a 65 cm, and anyone between 5'7" and 5'11" should use a 75 cm. Close to 6'0"? 85 cm is for much taller folks. Gilna recommends doing 10 reps of each exercise for three sets, with the exception of the 30-second static holds, which count as one rep. For the best results, run through this circuit three to four times a week. Check out this stability ball exercise to tighten your low abs:

Hamstring Curl

This butt burner combines a glute bridge and hamstring curl in one movement to work the entire lower body. To activate your core, Gilna suggests squeezing a small rolled towel between your legs with each rep. How to: Lie on your back on an exercise mat and plant your hands at your sides. Position the stability ball at the end of the mat with your heels resting on the ball. Keeping your head and upper back on the mat, engage your glutes to lift your butt and low back off the mat with your legs extended. Pulling through your heels, roll the ball toward your butt with control, lifting your hips higher.

Wall Squat

If you ever wondered whether you’re doing a squat correctly, this stability ball exercise is for you. It ensures you keep your chest lifted, your feet flat on the floor, and that you lead with your hips instead of your knees. How to: Hug a stability ball and stand facing a wall with a rolled towel between your legs, rounding your back. Activating your glutes and tucking your pelvis under, lower down into a squat. Be sure to keep your heels planted on the ground to stabilize.

Russian Twist

A common mistake people make when doing a Russian twist is that they rush through the movement and don’t properly engage their obliques. This variation forces you to fire up those love handles with control because of the instability. How to: Rest your shoulders and upper back on top of the stability ball with your knees bent, pelvis tucked, and feet planted. Squeeze a rolled towel between your legs. Interlace your hands with your index fingers pointed toward the ceiling. Keeping your arms straight and your hips square, rotate your torso from left to right.


If you’re working up to a proper push-up, this variation on your knees helps strengthen the shoulders and chest, which tend to be weaker areas in women. How to: Kneeling on an exercise mat, squeeze a rolled towel between your legs and plant your hands on the stability ball. Tuck your pelvis and allow your upper back to round. Lower your torso towards the ball, bending at the elbows. Be sure to keep your back rounded and don’t let your shoulder blades come together or your hips drop. For an additional challenge, tuck your toes and lift your knees off the ground and do a full push-up, but only if you can keep the upper back rounded and shoulder blades apart.

Hollow Hold

Drawing your belly button towards your spine is key to maintaining a rock-solid core during a traditional hollow hold, and this variation for beginners helps you commit it to muscle memory.
How to: Kneel on an exercise mat with a rolled towel between your legs and firmly plant your hands on the stability ball. Keep your arms straight and tuck your pelvis under you. Engaging your core—especially the obliques—actively push your upper body away from the ball so the upper back slightly rounds, but don’t let your lower back arch. Hold this position for 30 seconds. To make this exercise harder, push the ball farther away from you.

Glute Bridge

We give this classic butt exercise an interesting twist by creating an unstable ground with a stability ball to target every single muscle in your glutes. How to: Lie on your back on an exercise mat and plant your hands at your sides. Squeeze a rolled towel between your knees. Position the stability ball at the end of the mat with your feet flat on the ball. Keeping your head and upper back on the mat, engage your glutes to lift your butt and low back off the mat. Squeeze the towel as you lift your butt higher. Hold this position for 30 seconds before lowering your butt back down to the mat.

Side Lying Adduction

Many people take their inner thighs for granted, but they actually play a big role in supporting the core and preventing injury. This stability ball exercise puts special emphasis on these important muscles by actively using them. How to: Place the stability ball against a wall and lie sideways over it in a straight line. On the side you’re lying on, actively draw your ribs inward toward the hips, like you would in a crunch position. Keeping your hips square, lift your bottom leg up toward the midline, while keeping the other leg extended and the foot flat. After ten reps, repeat on the other side.

Half-Kneeling Rotation

Want to work those love handles a little more? This rotational movement challenges your balance as much as your obliques. The key here is to keep your hips square as your torso twists. This forces your obliques to do the work and not your hips. How to: Kneel on your right leg with the left foot flat on the floor. Pull the front leg toward the midline to engage the inner-thigh muscles and take pressure off the low back. Plant the heel of the front foot firmly into the floor to stabilize the pelvis. Hold the stability ball with your straight arms and round yourself over it. Rotate your torso to the left, while keeping your hips square, and then return to the center. After 10 reps, switch out the front leg and twist toward the right side.