Not only are constant e-mail chains, late-night messages, and the deluded idea that your boss can’t see you typing under the conference table annoying, but the amount of stress they cause you isn’t doing your health any favors (you know the drill; too much stress can increase your risk for heart disease and weight gain, among other unhealthy things).  Researchers identified these seven “e-mail sins” people commit. How many did you commit today? SIN: Sending constant e-mails back and forthYou know the endless chain of “thank-yous” and “you’re welcomes” that follow every group e-mail? Yeah, don’t do that. “There’s a point where the conversation needs to stop. You can indicate this by saying, ‘Let’s pick this up at another time in the week,’” says LinkedIn’s career expert Nicole Williams. Or, if there’s no obvious reason to reply, you can just assume the conversation is closed. SIN: E-mailing off the clockSimply, that’s not when you’re going to do your best work, so set boundaries, says Williams. “My new rule is, ‘If you want me to perform well, I can’t wake up and answer your messages in the middle of the night.’ Boundaries are healthy, and it’s important to teach people how to treat you in terms of availability,” she says. SIN: E-mailing during a meeting"Sending an e-mail during a conference or meeting is one of the rudest things you can do. Even if people, especially the speaker, don’t say it, they feel very disrespected," says Williams. It’s essentially saying that your message is more important than what’s being discussed, which isn’t exactly professional. Unless it’s an emergency, it can wait.  SIN: Ignoring emails completelyIf it’s a matter of dealing with people who e-mail incessantly, then it might be better to limit replies to direct questions and requests. However, says Williams, “understand there is a level of seniority and that’s not something you can do to a customer or your boss. In which case, always reply—even if it’s just ‘OK’ or ‘Got it.’” SIN: Request a read receiptWho wouldn’t resent the implication that you’re being checked up on by your boss or co-workers? “I can manage my own time, thank you very much,” says Williams. SIN: Responding immediately to an e-mail alert"It all depends on who is e-mailing and what their e-mail style is. Is it your boss or a higher up? Do they expect you to answer back ASAP, especially during work hours? Then be prepared to keep your eyes peeled for their messages," says Williams. “However, if a reply is not time sensitive, then you can wait to reply. Waiting helps you be more productive with your time and also gives you the chance to craft a more thoughtful reply.” SIN: Enabling out-of-office asssistant"Set up vacation boundaries by not replying to work e-mails (unless time sensitive) until your return," says Williams. “Once you start replying to work e-mails from the beach, it signals to your colleagues that you’re back to work even if you’re 1,000 miles away.” BONUS SIN: You don’t customize your messagesWilliams adds this common sin to the list, because she says that sending a generic response to dozens of people doesn’t help you establish qualitative connections. “Personalizing a note takes 30 seconds but leaves a much more lasting impression than a canned response.” For example, when sending a post-interview thank-you, it’s better to include a detail from your conversation as opposed to just forwarding along something standard that popped up on your Google search. More from Prevention: 3 Ways You’re Killing Your Career