While there’s no “incorrect” way to grieve, it’s common to respond by doing things that actually make it harder for you to process the loss and move forward. Here are several reactions you should try to side-step so you can focus on healing. (Want to pick up some healthier habits? Sign up to get healthy living tips, weight loss inspiration, slimming recipes and more delivered straight to your inbox!)

Turning to alcohol and drugs

Many people use alcohol and illegal substances to forget about the pain they’re going through—but the fix is only temporary. “Alcohol and other drugs numb people’s feelings, however they block the person from moving through the grieving process,” explains Denise Tordella, MA, LPC, a therapist in Alexandria, Virginia. Once sober, you’ll be right back where you started. Plus, you also the possibility of going too far, hurting yourself, and possible overdosing. This is your body on alcohol: ​ ​

Keeping yourself uber-busy

Distracting yourself with work, household chores, and other activities might help some individuals, but it’s not a cure-all. Most people need to devote some time and energy to feeling the loss, says Martineau. “Be kind to yourself, and rest when you need to. It takes time to move through grief.” So if you feel like spending the day on the couch watching television, do just that.

Cutting yourself off from the world

Grieving is a difficult process, and keeping your thoughts and feelings bottled up may lead to more stress and anxiety. Yes, you may need quiet time alone, but “sometimes a loss needs to be talked about over and over again in order to process what has happened,” says Rita Morgan, MA, LMHC, a therapist in New York City. “Seeing a mental health professional or joining a loss support group can be helpful and healing.” Prevention Premium: 3 Healing Therapies That Rely On The Incredible Power Of Nature

Making big life decisions or drastic changes

After losing a loved one, you might feel like you need a fresh start. But it’s usually a good idea to hit the pause button before selling your house, quitting your job, or breaking up with a long-term partner. Any of those things might turn out to be right for you, but it’s hard to think clearly while you’re still reeling. “When people experience loss, initially they may be numb, confused, distressed, fearful or overwhelmed,” explains Tordella. “We do not want to make life decisions from these parts of ourselves. Instead, focus on what needs to be done immediately to establish a sense of safety and stability.” Save big decisions for when your emotions have settled.

Being hard on yourself

If you’re not feeling up to your usually daily routine, that’s OK, especially immediately after a loss. “Learn to prioritize, set small goals, and be kind to yourself,” says Martineau. “If today isn’t the day to get it done, there is always tomorrow.” Cut yourself a break and know that you’ll get back to your “normal” eventually. MORE: 7 Days, 7 Ways To An Organized You

Neglecting basic self-care

If your appetite has vanished and you’re finding it hard to sleep at night, that’s typical. But try not to let these issues linger too long. “Survivor’s guilt can sometimes have a way of stopping us from taking care of ourselves in a sufficient manner, thereby impairing our health,” explains Morgan. Even if you’re not hungry, try eating small meals throughout the day, and nap when you’re feeling tired.

Ignoring serious depression

Grief can look a lot like depression, but they aren’t the same. One important distinction is that grief tends to lessen over time. “If you are finding it difficult to function after the first few weeks or month, or you’re feeling helpless, hopeless, and/or worthless, then you may be experiencing clinical depression,” explains Martineau. “Your healthcare provider can refer you for counseling and/or medication if applicable.” If you are having thoughts of harming yourself or others, call a crisis line or go to the nearest emergency room right away. MORE: 7 Unusual New Treatments For Your Depression