Even though psoriasis is fairly common, there’s a lot that remains unknown about it. Doctors usually treat it with a combination of oral and topical medications, but that’s not always enough. If you’re still having frequent flare-ups, you might be wondering if certain lifestyle changes can help. Stress and exposure to cold temps are well-known culprits—but what about food? So far, there’s no scientific proof that what you eat impacts psoriasis symptoms across the board. That said, many patients report that avoiding certain foods really does make a difference. Here are 7 that might be worth ditching from your diet.


“The Nurses’ Health Study looked at 20,000 women over two decades and found that nurses who drank beer had a higher rate of developing psoriasis than those who didn’t,” says Jerry Bagel, MD, a board-certified dermatologist practicing in East Windsor, NJ. Other alcohol might be a trigger, too. “Anything more than one glass of wine a day is not good—it opens blood vessels and allows more inflammatory stuff into the skin,” says Bagel.


Bagel hesitates to point the finger at specific foods, but he notes that there is a connection between weight gain and psoriasis. And high-sugar, nutritionally empty beverages like soda have most definitely been linked to obesity. “Certain molecules secreted from fat cells make psoriasis worse, so managing your weight is really important in managing psoriasis,” says Bagel.

Red meat

Inflammation fuels psoriasis symptoms, so it follows that cutting back on inflammation-inducing foods may help. Think about limiting anything that’s high in saturated fat, such as red meat, butter, and cheese. Meanwhile, up your intake of fatty fish, walnuts, and flax seeds; they’re all high in inflammation-fighting omega-3s.

White bread

Psoriasis is one of the many conditions rumored to be triggered by gluten—a protein present in wheat products, including bread. “Whether a gluten-free diet can help control psoriasis is very controversial,” says Bagel. “Some people it helps; some it doesn’t.” Ask your doctor if you should try an elimination diet, which may involve cutting out gluten (at least for a while). But whether you avoid gluten or not, it’s smart to skip heavily-processed grain products, including white bread. Remember that though the link between individual foods and psoriasis is unproven, a connection between obesity and psoriasis has been well-established. And cutting back on refined carbs can help you achieve or maintain a healthy weight.

Frozen pizza

That long list of ingredients on the box is a signal that your microwavable dinner has been heavily processed and may cause inflammation in your body, says Lisa Cimperman, RDN, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. So you might want to think twice before buying that frozen pepperoni pizza or those breakfast toaster pastries. “There’s so much refined sugar and flour in there,” says Cimperman.


Even more controversial than the question of gluten is that of nightshades—a group of plants that includes eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes. “Some people say they experience an inflammatory effect when they eat these foods, but there’s no science to support it,” says Cimperman. If you decide to shun these for a trial period (perhaps as part of an elimination diet), make sure to keep your doctor in the loop and to track your symptoms closely.

Ice cream

“A generally healthy diet is really what’s best for psoriasis,” says Cimperman, who suggests limiting ice cream and other sugary treats. “The better you’re eating, the better your treatment is going to work.”