According to researchers from the University of Illinois at Chicago, children and adolescents ages 2 to 19 who dine out at fast-food and full-service restaurants increase their daily intake of sugar, fat, and sodium by as much as 25%. Why? It costs very little for a very big helping of bad-for-you food. MORE: 7 Restaurant Meals You Should Never Order “Overall, the findings suggest that public policies need to aim at reducing restaurant consumption by increasing relative costs, limiting portion sizes and providing healthier options,” says lead study author Lisa M. Powell, PhD, a professor of Health Policy and Administration at UIC, in a press release. While Powell does say that restaurants have been working to improve their nutritional standards, there’s still—clearly—work to be done.  Until that happens, here’s how to avoid falling into restaurant fat traps:  Order first Chances are, if your friend’s order sounds better than yours, e.g., a bacon burger over steamed salmon, you’re going to rethink your dinner. To sidestep temptation, place your order first. If you can’t order first, then make your decision, close the menu, and repeat your selection to yourself to help you stick to it. (Check out more ways you can dine out and still lose weight.) Turn down the tunes A study from Cornell University’s food lab found that people eating in an environment with dim lighting and soft music consumed 200 fewer calories—or roughly 18% less food—than those who ate in a loud, brightly lit room. Ask the waiter to turn down the music; your waistline will thank you. Skip the bar Or at least until your dinner’s arrived. Researchers from the University of Sussex found that drinking booze just before a meal boosts short-term appetite and food consumption, temporarily impairing your body’s ability to feel full.  Look away from the TV Watching the tube distracts people while dining, which can lead to a bump in the amount of food you consume, finds a University of Minnesota study.  Button up! German researchers found that lowering the temperature of a dining room by 10 degrees boosted food consumption nearly 20%. Apparently when the temperature drops, the hormones that control your appetite take a while to kick in. So if you’re headed out, bring a sweater. Shield your eyes Sure, you might feel a little silly wearing sunglasses inside, but bright colors such as red and orange excite your senses and may boost the amount of food you eat by 25% or more, according to a Boston University study.  MORE: 7 Weight Loss Mistakes Healthy Women Make