[sidebar]What is your comfort “go-to”? French fries? Ice Cream? Fried Chicken? Mashed potatoes smothered in gravy? Who doesn’t need a little gentle care and feeding in our “always on” environment? Every now and then, you have got to give yourself some love and care. Right? Skeletons In My Closet: Secrets Real Women Hide From Men In our current environment, a large portion of society remains on continual high alert, both in terms of mind and body. One outcome of chronic stress is that our bodies produce excess levels of cortisol. Cortisol, the stress hormone, is one factor that leads us to consume comfort foods high in sugar, fat and fat. The more we eat of those types of foods, the more we want. Fat is then deposited around your torso and around your organs, increasing your risk of cardio-vascular diseases, obesity, diabetes and others. Chronic stress can also lead to mindless munching: disconnect brain, EAT. Emotional eaters also often choose foods high in fat, sugar, or salt and tend to eat regardless of whether they’re hungry. When acting mindlessly, the ability to recognize fullness and remain in charge of your choices is essential to managing weight. Managing a healthy weight protects you from a host of health issues including joint degeneration, diabetes, insulin resistance, stroke, heart attack and more. 50 Love Quotes We Adore So how can you work toward better health and more mindful eating? Here are 5 steps to a healthier approach to food:

  1. Keep A Gratitude JournalEither first thing or last thing each day, take a moment to write down what you are grateful for in your life. Keeping those things close to our hearts and minds helps to maintain a more positive and optimistic attitude. Optimistic people on average are happier, maintain solid relationships, and make more money. A gratitude journal is an easy, tangible way to increase your level of optimism.
  2. Eat Breakfast DailyI’ve heard it and I’ve said it myself. “I’m just not hungry in the morning.” However, an empty stomach cannot maintain stable blood sugar levels. Without stable blood sugar we tend to gain weight as grab for pastries, donuts and other less healthy choices. How nurturing is it to expect yourself to put forth your best effort without any nutrition? (Hint: not very.) You’ll be riding up and down as your blood sugar spikes and plummets. You are what you eat, so what does it say about you if you eat nothing? Whatever your rationale for not eating—no time, not hungry, etc.—it is impossible to be your best, most productive self if you’re not doing it. A breakfast that stabilizes blood sugar contains a combination of healthy sources of protein, fat and whole grain, fiber-rich carbohydrates. Try yogurt, oatmeal, or eggs. Flirtatious Texting: Expert Tips & Examples
  3. Mindful PracticesBe aware of what you are feeling, both inside and out. It is crucial to be mindful when taking care of yourself. Mindful eating notices that you are grabbing and gobbling. That might stop you from reaching for the first available “comfort” food and give you time to be in charge of your choices. What can you do to become more mindful? Try meditation, yoga, listening to music or creating a personal ritual such as preparing and drinking tea. Click here to continue reading on YourTango.com.