Ready to start one of your own? Here’s how:

  1. Start simple. It’s a good idea to begin with approachable cookbooks for your crowd, says Grant Bremer, founder of the Greenlight Cookbook Club in Brooklyn. Pick something that doesn’t require too much special equipment or training before diving into the deep end. We like Donna Hay’s Fresh and Light ($40; for a healthy, summer-ready spin on classic dishes.   2. Grow bold.But do dive into the deep end, eventually, says Jennifer Knapp, owner of Jennifer Knapp Catering, who formed a club with fellow professional chefs in the San Francisco Bay Area last year. “It’s a good way to explore a new ingredient or technique,” she says. “I taught myself how to cook octopus last year at one of our meetings." 
  2. Keep it organized. Knapp’s club uses the group scheduling service to set a date that works for everyone, as well as to make sure they’ll end up with a balanced meal, as opposed to 10 sides or desserts. 4. Go rogue. The best things happen when you add your own flavor to a recipe, Bremer says. Try substituting in-season ingredients for the ones the recipe recommends. Make it lower in fat, with a different type of meat, free of dairy products, or gluten free—whatever makes you happy.
  3. Get cooking.You don’t need a lot of space to make this work—if you don’t have a gourmet kitchen at your disposal, ask members to fully prepare dishes at home. If you do, make sure all food prep and time-intensive cooking is done beforehand, and make final touches a group effort. More from Prevention: The Hot New Carbohydrate Trend