Dr. Robert Lustig, author of the new book Fat Chance, sees sugar as one of our biggest dietary scourges—especially fructose, which he calls “the Voldemort of the dietary hit list.” But cutting your consumption isn’t so simple. Sugar is added to tons of items that most people wouldn’t expect—including healthier foods. (And about half of the added sugar you see on a label is fructose.) According to Dr. Lustig, 80% of packaged foods in the US contain added caloric sweeteners. And while sugary beverages like soda and desserts are partly to blame, about half of the fructose we consume comes from foods not in those categories. “Even if I could snap my fingers and make soda disappear,” Dr. Lustig says, “that would only solve part of the problem.” It doesn’t help that the food industry has over 40 names for sugar—from the obvious “fructose” to the much trickier “evaporated cane juice” or “carob syrup.” Below, 5 foods that often contain high levels of sugar. Bread. It’s not just Wonder. Whole wheat and multigrain breads usually do contain added sugar, about 2 grams per slice. (The American Heart Association recommends a maximum sugar consumption of 44g per day for men and 30g per day for women.) Salad dressing. Sugar is the fourth ingredient in the Newman’s Own Lite Honey Mustard in my fridge, with 5g in two tablespoons. Less wholesome brands can have much more. For more surprising sources of dietary sugar, check out Well+GoodNYC’s 5 Sources Of Sugar You Wouldn’t Expect.