All you need are plants bought at your local garden center or organic herbs from a company like, plus a sunny windowsill. Savor the bracing aroma as you steep your healing teas. Use about 1 tablespoon chopped fresh herb (use one or try a combination) to 1 cup boiled water. Cover and steep 5 to 10 minutes before sipping. Drink a cup 2 or 3 times a day, as needed. Lemon balm: Anxiety, mild insomnia, and tension headachesPeppermint: Nausea, flatulence, indigestion, and tension headachesSage: Hot flashes, night sweats, fever, and sore throat (use as a gargle)Thyme: Cough, congestion, and bronchitis TIERAONA LOW DOG, MD, is the author of Healthy at Home. MORE: 7 Healing Herbal Teas