Distracted eating: It’s not that eating at your desk itself is evil (although watch out for those germs!), it’s just that, when you mix eating with working, it can be a disaster for your diet. Mindless eating can turn to overeating without you even realizing it. If you can, take a break from your desk and eat somewhere else where you can focus on your plate. Sneak in a Little Diet and Fitness With These Easy Tips Crossing your knees: You may not even be thinking about it, but chances are you cross your legs at the knees often when you sit. That can lead to a buildup of pressure in your legs, and not only that, is one of the reasons why sitting may give you back pain. So try to keep your knees uncrossed — and while you’re at it, read on for more ways to have better posture while sitting at your desk. 4 Items That Help Create a Healthy Workspace [sidebar] Loud earphones: Sometimes, lackluster work days call for rocking out with headphones on. But make sure you don’t keep turning up the volume — you risk damaging your eardrums. Since we spend a lot of time wearing headphones, make sure you pay attention to the volume of your music. The Dangerous Effects of Sitting at Your Desk Never taking a break: Got sucked into a project vortex? It can be easy to forget that you haven’t refilled your water bottle, stepped out for lunch, or rested your eyes when you’re on a tight deadline. But since we all know how bad prolonged sitting can be on your overall health–read just how bad sitting is for you here — try to remember that a break only takes a few minutes of your time and will make you feel a whole lot better.   The 4 Things You Shouldn’t Do at Your Desk