COQ10Statin therapy reduces blood levels of CoQ10; some studies show that this depletion could be the cause of the muscle pain commonly cited as a statin side effect. As a result, this antioxidant has gone fully mainstream as a sidekick to statin drugs.Doc’s word: “Recently one of my patients tested with very high cholesterol levels and needed statins but couldn’t tolerate the muscle pain she had as a side effect,” says Nancy Simpkins, an internist and medical advisor for the state of New Jersey. “I started her on CoQ10, and her pain vanished.“Dose: 100 mg a day if you’re on statins. Increase to 2 to 3 times daily if needed. (Also consider adding these 12 foods that lower cholesterol naturally.) AGED GARLIC EXTRACTStudies have shown benefits from using garlic to help treat heart disease, thanks to its ability to lower blood pressure and reduce the “stickiness” of platelets (lowering the risk of clots).Doc’s word: Mimi Guarneri, a cardiologist in La Jolla, CA, gives her patients aged garlic extract along with vitamin K2 to help prevent calcification and hardening of the arteries.Dose: 600 mg twice a day (Check out these 13 ways to lower blood pressure naturally.) RED YEAST RICEMade by culturing rice with a strain of yeast, its chemical makeup is similar to statins, though at weaker concentrations.Doc’s word: “I recommend RYR to people who haven’t had a bypass, stent, or previous heart attack and those who’d rather not take statins for their high cholesterol,” says David Becker, a cardiologist in Philadelphia. “Most people with moderately high cholesterol do benefit from RYR, but for those whose cholesterol is very high—LDL higher than 190 mg/dl—it may not be strong enough.“Dose: Talk to your doctor about dosing and certainly before stopping a statin. St. John’s wort is prepared for extraction. The red fluid leaching from it is a sign of potency. Photo courtesy of Herb Pharm.


FISH OILThe current darling of the supplement world is used to treat a variety of ills. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil are anti-inflammatory—and inflammation is at the root of arthritis pain. (Just make sure your omega-3s are legitimate. Here’s how to tell.)Doc’s word: “Though we don’t yet have proof for its use in osteoarthritis, it’s certainly reasonable,” says Roxanne Sukol, a preventive medicine specialist at Cleveland Clinic. “We’ve seen the benefits of fish oil for rheumatoid arthritis, a more serious disease with higher levels of inflammatory markers.“Dose: 4 g a day GLUCOSAMINE SULFATESome people do really well on glucosamine/chondroitin, and others don’t, so the benefit looks statistically nonexistent when you average the results, says Allen D. Sawitzke, associate professor at the University of Utah Hospital and Clinics, who recently ran a large study on it.Doc’s word: “I’m a big glucosamine fan, and I think it helps some people—I’m one of them—who have moderate to severe arthritis pain,” says Mary Jane Minkin, clinical professor at the Yale University School of Medicine. “If you’re not feeling less pain after a couple of months, you’re probably one of the people for whom it’s not going to work.“Dose: 1.5 g a day, either as a single supplement or in three 500 mg doses TURMERIC This bright yellow curry spice contains a powerfully anti-inflammatory compound called curcumin. A recent study pointed to it as a savior from knee osteoarthritis pain, finding it as effective as ibuprofen—with less abdominal discomfort.Doc’s word: “I have my OA patients make a virgin Bloody Mary with tomato juice, a few drops of olive oil, a dash or two of black pepper, and the contents of 2 capsules of curcumin/turmeric,” Sukol says. The olive oil and black pepper help the body absorb turmeric.Dose: Two 500 mg capsules a day (or the above Bloody Mary) MORE: The Ultimate Pain-Fighting Workout To make liquid extract, chamomile is blended with alcohol and hot water before being filtered and bottled. Photo courtesy of Herb Pharm.


BUTTERBUR A review of studies of 293 people with migraines showed that butterbur reduced the frequency of migraine attacks after people took it for 3 to 4 months. The compound petasin in the plant is thought to be super-anti-inflammatory.Doc’s word: “I’ve had patients get off their migraine prescriptions after taking butterbur,” says Aaron Michelfelder, professor of family medicine and bioethics at Chicago’s Stritch School of Medicine.Dose: Follow label directions on a butterbur supplement like Petadolex. (Give these 3 other quick headache cures a try.)  


MAGNESIUMThis Renaissance man of minerals (a key player in bodily functions ranging from protein synthesis to blood pressure regulation) has been shown to improve sensitivity to insulin and thereby lower blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes.Doc’s word: “My patients with type 2 diabetes often have low magnesium levels,” says Guarneri. She’s found that supplementing it helps lower high blood sugar, reducing their reliance on meds. (How many of these 5 best foods for diabetics are you eating?)Dose: 200 to 250 mg twice daily, but those with advanced kidney disease should avoid it. ALPHA-LIPOIC ACID Study after study shows that adding ALA, an antioxidant, to other treatment improves numbness and nerve pain (called neuropathy) for diabetes patients.Doc’s word: ALA does double duty for patients with diabetes, says Sukol: “In addition to easing neuropathy, it lowers blood sugar and helps with insulin control.“Dose: Sukol starts people with 300 mg twice a day and may up the dose to 600. FISH OIL The latest research shows that taking fish oil can increase certain white blood cells that gobble up inflammatory substances. While chronic inflammation is linked to insulin resistance, the main driver behind type 2 diabetes, fish oil has not been shown to actually improve insulin resistance.Doc’s word: Sukol recommends fish oil to people with diabetes to bolster them against the constellation of ills called metabolic syndrome.Dose: 4 g a day, ideally of prescription fish oil, which has the most effective ratio of omega-3s (called EPA/DHA) The herbal tonic will go through one last quality check before being shipped off to store shelves. Photo courtesy of Herb Pharm.


ASHWAGANDHAHerbalists call this Indian root an “adaptogen,” which means it has a balancing effect on mind and body—hence its popularity for controlling mood swings or hormonal ups and downs. In two recent studies, ashwagandha reduced anxiety scores; one of those trials also found that the extract lowered subjects’ cortisol levels, which elevate in stressful conditions.Doc’s word: When Romm’s patients report being stressed, she turns to ashwagandha over Xanax. “It’s excellent for treating the anxiety that results from feeling overwhelmed,” she says. She also recommends it for the patients she describes as “tired and wired”, since it can help you unwind at bedtime.Dose: 3 to 6 g a day MORE: Are You Bummed Out…Or Depressed? RHODIOLAThis herb, which grows in Siberia and the Arctic, is also considered an adaptogen. Several studies point to its ability to lower the stress hormone cortisol and relieve stress-induced fatigue. Other research shows an antidepressant effect, possibly because rhodiola increases the permeability of the blood-brain barrier to precursors of the happy chemicals dopamine and serotonin.Doc’s word: “I use adaptogenic herbs together with vitamin C and a high-quality B complex to support the adrenal glands during times of stress,” says Melissa Young, an integrative specialist at Cleveland Clinic. “I use rhodiola specifically for patients who are having fatigue and memory issues from stress.“Dose: 100 to 400 mg a day SAM-E In Europe, this amino acid has been regulated for decades as a mainstream antidepressant. The body produces SAM-e naturally; it’s used to produce other chemicals that play a role in mood.Doc’s word: “I often recommend switching to SAM-e when a patient is ready to stop taking antidepressants,” says Shelly Menolascino, a practicing psychiatrist in New York City. She also uses it to help patients lower their antidepressant dosages, as SAM-e can enhance the efficacy of some medications.Dose: SAM-e isn’t absorbed well when taken orally, so you need to start low and slowly up the dose as needed to 800 mg twice a day. The goal is to find the lowest effective dose. SAM-e, like any other antidepressant, isn’t safe for people with bipolar mood disorder. (What’s causing your bad mood? Check out 8 weird reasons you’re cranky.)  


MELATONIN Darkness triggers the body to produce this hormone, which makes you sleepy. It’s been shown to be somewhat effective for jet lag, insomnia, cluster headaches, and even reducing presurgical anxiety. New development: A study in people over 55 with insomnia found that a prolonged-release melatonin pill improved sleep quality and morning alertness.  Doc’s word: “I prescribe melatonin for simple sleep problems,” says Marc I. Leavey, a primary care specialist at Lutherville Personal Physicians in Baltimore. “It’s good for jet lag—take it around the target bedtime at your destination.“Dose: 1 to 3 mg at bedtime (For more help, take a look at these 20 ways to sleep better every night.) LAVELAThis special formulation of lavender oil has been found to inhibit neurons that send signals to the hippocampus, the part of the brain involved in anxiety.Doc’s word: “This is fast becoming my favorite product for sleep and anxiety,” Romm says. “I’ve had several patients come off long-term benzodiazepines (like Valium and Xanax) using it.“Dose: 80 mg an hour before bedtime  


FISH OIL Researchers recently discovered that people who have IBS also have deficient blood levels of long-chain fatty acids, which fish oil supplies.Doc’s word: “Once I’ve pinpointed the cause of a patient’s IBS—usually, it’s a delayed allergy to certain food proteins—I recommend removing the offending foods, following an allergen-free low-carb diet, and supplementing with fish oil and probiotics,” Howard says. IBS typically causes nutrient deficiencies, so she also adds a multivitamin and vitamin D.Dose: One capsule with 500 mg EPA and 200 mg DHA daily MORE: What To Do When It’s Your Stomach…Again PROBIOTICSScience hasn’t yet nailed down the exact strains of good bacteria needed for specific conditions. Until that happens, though, a blend of probiotics is still a good idea for GI health. A 2014 review of more than 40 studies confirmed that probiotics can ease pain, bloating, and flatulence.Doc’s word: “When the offending foods are removed and we restore the gut with probiotics and nutrients, most cases of IBS go away,” Howard says.Dose: One capsule containing 50 billion live cultures daily These are the white buds of the black cohosh plant, but it’s the roots that are used in supplements. Photo by Julie Bidwell.


BLACK COHOSH A few well-designed studies show that this herb eases hot flashes better than a placebo. Scientists are unsure why, but there are theories that it affects opioid receptors in the brain or acts as an anti-oxidant or anti-inflammatory.Doc’s word: “In my experience,” says Minkin, “the black cohosh extract Remifemin works for about 50% of women.“Dose: Follow Remifemin label directions. iCOOLThis supplement is made with the soy phytoestrogen genistein. After 12 weeks, postmenopausal women who took iCool saw a 51% reduction in daily hot flashes, compared to 27% in the placebo group.Doc’s word: “I think iCool helps some women, as long as they manage their expectations about the fact that they won’t be totally hot flash-free,” says Minkin. “Black cohosh and iCool complement each other, so I often have patients take both of them together if either alone isn’t helping,” she says.Dose: Follow label directions. (If you’re dealing with hot flashes, you need to read our irreverent owner’s guide to menopause.)  


ECHINACEAEchinacea studies have turned up conflicting results; some show that it can shorten the length of a cold, while others show that it has no effect. The reasons for this: Different studies use various parts of the plant and varied plant species, and researchers use different doses and preparations. Still, practitioners experienced in herbal medicine often rely on echinacea to prevent and treat upper respiratory infections like colds and flu.Doc’s word: “I find it can prevent colds from starting or recurring, but it doesn’t do a lot to relieve symptoms,” Romm says.Dose: 1 dropperful of extract for adults, 3 to 4 times a day until symptoms subside HONEYIn several studies, honey was as effective as over-the-counter medicine for reducing the frequency of coughing fits. Bonus: It’s antimicrobial.Doc’s word: Romm suggests adding bacteria-killing thyme to speed recovery.Dose: Mix ½ cup honey and ½ oz thyme tincture. Adults can take 1 to 2 tsp of the mixture as needed; ½ to 1 tsp for children over 2. MORE: 100 Best Supplements For Women