Protect Your Knees This exercise strengthens the quadriceps, the muscles in the front of the thighs that support your knees.  Photo by Hilmar Hilmar Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Loop an exercise band around your left ankle, or use a light ankle weight. Rest your palms on the sides of the chair for support. Slowly lift your left foot until your leg is straight. Hold for a second or two, then slowly lower. Continue until your leg feels tired, then repeat with your right leg. Stretch Your Hips This exercise, which was recommended by Art Brownstein, MD, author of Healing Back Pain Naturally, stretches as well as strengthens the muscles of the hips. Photo by Hilmar Hilmar Lying on your back, bend both knees together, and bring them toward your chest. Then slowly move them in an ever-widening circle, keeping your lower spine on the floor. After you do 5 to 10 circles, switch direction. Then slowly come back to your original position. MORE: Your Top 6 Workout Aches, Solved