Back up: What is vitamin D, and why is it so important?

Your body creates vitamin D on its own after being exposed to sunlight. It helps the body absorb calcium, one of the main building blocks of bones. If you’re low on D, then you’re at increased risk for bone diseases like osteoporosis. Evidence continues to mount that vitamin D also helps to regulate the immune system, lower blood pressure, protect against depression, and reduce risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and several kinds of cancer. A 2014 study from the University of California-San Diego School of Medicine also found that people with low vitamin D levels were twice as likely to die prematurely.

So, are you getting enough vitamin D?

Probably not. The Institute of Medicine has set the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of vitamin D at 600 international units (IU) for everyone under the age of 70. (It’s 800 IU for adults 70+.) But many experts believe that’s too low. “There is talk that the RDA may be increased,” says Zanecosky. “Many physicians are now advising 2,000 milligrams daily for those with low blood levels.”

The top vitamin D foods

In a recent nutrient survey, many respondents were rightfully concerned they weren’t getting enough D, with 22% actively looking for it in foods. But just 9% knew that salmon is a good natural source of the vitamin, and only 5% recognized fortified tofu as one, too. Here are some other ways to get more foods with vitamin D in your diet:

Wild-caught fish

(425 IU in 3 oz salmon, 547 IU in 3 oz mackerel)

Beef or calf liver

(42 IU in 3 oz)

Egg yolks

(41 IU per egg)

Learn how to get a perfect egg every time:

Canned fish

(154 IU in 3 oz tuna, 270 IU in 3.5 oz sardines)

Shiitake mushrooms

(40 IU in 1 cup)

Milk: whole, nonfat or reduced fat

(100 IU in 8 oz)


(80–100 IUs in 6 oz)

Almond milk

(100 IU in 8 oz)

Pudding made with milk

(49-60 IUs in ½ cup)

Orange juice

(137 IU in 1 cup)

Breakfast cereals

(50–100 IUs in 0.75–1 cup)

Fortified tofu

(80 IU in 3 oz)


(150 IU in 1 packet)


(40 IU in 1 slice)


(123 IU in 8 oz)