The common cold and other viral infections of the upper airways are frequent causes of laryngitis. It often accompanies the flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, or any infection of the upper airways. Acid juices from the stomach that escape into the throat can wreak havoc with your vocal cords. And any opera singer or campaigning politician can tell you, straining the voice is a common cause of hoarseness, as are exposure to tobacco smoke and allergies. If your timbre is now as deep and croaky as Clint Eastwood’s, follow these expert-recommended laryngitis home remedies.

Rest Your Voice

For run-of-the-mill laryngitis, “the best thing you can do is rest your voice,” Klein suggests. When your vocal cords are swollen, those persistent vibrations you create while speaking inflict trauma on them. It’s especially bad if you try to maintain your usual speaking or singing performance, since you have to push harder to make your vocal cords vibrate at the usual frequencies.

Avoid Even Whispering

Although you may think that whispering is softer and gentler on your tender tissues, it’s not. “Whispering causes you to bang your vocal cords together as strongly as if you were shouting,” explains George T. Simpson II, MD.

Prioritize Your Noisemaking

If you just have to speak, preserve your words for the times that are absolutely necessary, and the rest of the time “zip it,” Klein says. Avoid speaking in noisy environments—if you must speak, head somewhere quieter. Send text messages with your cell phone, stick to email, or carry a pad of paper and pen with you to jot down your thoughts.

Give Them Some Steam

“Singers swear by steam showers,” Klein says. This helps keep your tissues moist and lubricated, helping them vibrate better. So give yourself some relaxation and step into a hot shower on a regular basis while you’re coping with laryngitis. If you’re a professional singer who doesn’t currently have laryngitis and you want to keep it that way, do your vocal warmups in a hot, steamy shower to reduce strain, he says.

Drink Up

Staying well hydrated helps your vocal folds when you have laryngitis, Klein says. And it’s the perfect time to remember to drink those eight 8-ounce glasses daily that health experts recommend. Avoid caffeinated and carbonated drinks—caffeine can worsen acid reflux. A hot cup of caffeine-free herbal tea can be helpful. MORE: 5 Reasons Your Body Wants You To Drink More Green Tea

Use A Cold-Air Humidifier

The layer of mucosa that blankets your vocal cords needs to be kept moist. When it’s not, mucus can become sticky and adherent, a virtual flypaper for irritants. Fight back with a cold-air humidifier, says Scott Kessler, MD.

Avoid Breathing Through Your Mouth

“Breathing through your nose is a natural humidifier,” says Kessler. “People who have a deviated nasal septum breathe through the mouth while asleep. That exposes the voice to dry and cold air. Evaluating how you breathe is critical to understanding the nature of hoarseness.”

Nix The Cigarettes

Smoking is a prime cause of throat dryness, says Kessler. It also relaxes your upper stomach muscles, which allows your harsh stomach juices to contact the larynx.

Watch For Reflux

So-called laryngeal reflux can be worsened by sleeping on a full stomach; drinking caffeine or alcohol; eating mints, citrus fruits, spicy foods, and tomato sauce; taking aspirin or excessive vitamin C; and doing exercises such as abdominal crunches and the “downward facing dog” yoga pose, Kessler says. Avoiding these may help reduce episodes of laryngitis.

Beware Of Airplane Air

Talking on an airplane can sabotage your voice. This is because the pressurized air inside the cabin is so dry. To keep your cords moist, breathe through your nose, says Kessler. Chew gum or suck on lozenges so that you’ll have no choice but to keep your mouth closed.

Check Your Medication

Certain prescription and over-the-counter drugs, such as antihistamines for allergies, can be very drying, Kessler says. When your vocal cords are dry, “speaking or singing is like running a car engine without oil,” he says. Use these with caution or avoid when you’re hoarse—though talk to your doctor before changing your medication regimen. Some other culprits can include blood pressure and thyroid medications.

Respect Your Voice

If you have a presentation to do and you find yourself hoarse, it’s better to cancel than risk doing long-term damage to your voice, says Kessler. MORE: Bounce Back From A Cold Or Flu—Fast

Consider Voice Training

If you’re a professional speaker or singer—or you’re required to communicate with your voice a lot—it’s a good idea to get some voice training. A professional can advise you how to get the muscles around your larynx to work together as a team so you can use them more effectively.

When To Call A Doctor

If your voice loss is accompanied by pain so severe that you have trouble swallowing your own saliva, see a physician immediately, says Simpson. Swelling in the upper part of your larynx may be blocking your airway. You should also contact your doctor if you cough up blood, hear noises in your throat when you breathe, or find that voice rest doesn’t help your hoarseness. If your laryngitis lasts more than 2 weeks, see a doctor who specializes in throat problems such as an otolaryngologist, says Klein. These specialists have the experience and equipment to inspect your vocal cords—not merely the back of your throat—and quickly diagnose the problem, which can be caused by such issues as growths on the cords.

Panel Of Advisors

Scott Kessler, MD, is an otolaryngologist specializing in the care of voice professionals and is on the attending staff at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City. He is the physician for the Metropolitan Opera and Broadway performers, recording artists, TV, radio, and movie personalities, and clergy. Adam Klein, MD, is an assistant professor of otolaryngology and a surgeon at Emory Healthcare in Atlanta, Georgia, whose specialties include throat and voice problems. His clients include many professional singers and speakers. George T. Simpson II, MD, is a professor of otolaryngology and surgery at the University of Buffalo.