1. This banned fat is still everywhere. Sure, the FDA banned trans fats from the food supply back in summer 2015, but food manufacturers have until June 2018 to comply with the ruling—so until then, this artery-clogging fat is still popping up in all kinds of products microwave popcorn, granola bars, and frozen desserts. Even worse: A legal loophole allows companies to hawk their goodies as trans-fat-free as long as each serving has 0.5 g or less. In fact, a whopping 87% of foods that contain partially hydrogenated oils—a major source of trans fat—all claim to have 0 g, according to a recent Environmental Working Group report. (Check out the worst offenders right here).  Sadly, one of the ingredients being used to replace trans fat could be just as bad. Interesterified fat, or IF, is an industrially produced fat that preliminary research links to increased fasting blood sugar, reduced “good” cholesterol, and increased “bad” cholesterol. Get the full scoop on IF right here.  
  2. Juice cleanses and detoxes are kind of BS. It may sound like it would be healthy to consume nothing but fresh fruit and vegetable juice for days, but there’s one teeny tiny problem: These diets don’t deliver nearly enough calories, protein, or fiber, which can lead to impaired digestion, fatigue, and even muscle deterioration. Plus, any weight loss achieved on a cleanse or detox is likely temporary—experts say you’re pretty much guaranteed to gain back every lost pound. Moral of the story: Don’t waste your money. Just eat whole, minimally processed foods and follow these 10 simple rules of eating clean.
  3. Your grass-fed label may be a lie.  Have you been relying on the USDA’s “grass-fed” label? Well, now there’s no need: Last month, the agency revoked its labeling standards for grass-fed meat and dairy. Even though the label will still exist, there won’t be any actual USDA-sanctioned rules defining what it means. In other words: “grass-fed” has been demoted to a meaningless marketing term. How can you find meats and dairy actually are grass-fed? Seek out reputable, independently verified labels like these.
  4. Don’t believe in those edible cure-alls.  Social media is swarming with “experts” who claim that swigging apple cider vinegar before meals or downing lemon water in the morning will totally overhaul your health. But most of these claims aren’t supported by science. A few examples: Apple cider vinegar won’t fight colds, lemon water won’t help you lose weight, green tea won’t cure cancer, and spirulina won’t rid you of allergies. Bottom line: Do your research, and if a food cure seems too good to be true, it probably is. (Here are 11 more bogus food myths you should know about.)
  5. This is the one thing nutrition gurus agree on. Nutrition experts often seem like they’re at war: Some advocate for meat-heavy Paleo diets, while others espouse the wonders of veganism—where’s the common ground there? Recently, however, a group of experts with differing views actually did sit down and agree that, if a diet is to be considered healthy, it should emphasize whole, unprocessed foods, with a primary focus on plants. Simple as that. Want to know what else the panel agreed on? We’ve got all the info right here.  MORE: What Happens If You Eat Food That Fell On The Floor?
  6. Something fishy is happening with salmon.  Genetically modified plants have been around since the 1990s, but genetically modified animals seemed straight out of science fiction—until now. The FDA recently approved the genetically modified AquAdvantage salmon for human consumption, and the fish could be in supermarkets as early as next year. There’s a lot we don’t know about how the salmon might affect our bodies and wild fish populations, but one thing’s for sure: The FDA doesn’t require manufacturers to label the fish as genetically modified, so you won’t know if you’re eating it. The good news: Some retailers have promised not to sell it—get the list of abstainers here. 
  7. No, this morning meat won’t kill you.  Bacon lovers collectively wept when news broke that the World Health Organization had declared processed meats to be a human carcinogen. What all the hyped up reports failed to explain, however, is that the occasional slice of bacon won’t shave years off your life. Though there is plenty of evidence that processed meats can increase the odds of getting colon cancer, the actual risk is very small. To put it in perspective: About 120 out of every 100,000 regular bacon eaters will get colon cancer because of their processed pork habit, while 1,000 out of 100,000 smokers will get lung cancer. (Still, it’s wise to reduce your processed meat consumption if you’re going hog-wild every day. Here are 6 ways to add smoky, meaty flavor to meals without using bacon.) 
  8. Food waste is a huge deal, but there’s a delicious fix.  An astounding 40% of food produced in the US ends up in a landfill instead of our stomachs. It’s one bad habit that gobbles up precious natural resources and pumps billions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. But now, people are actually doing something about it: Governments are banning grocery stores from tossing unsold food, restaurants are experimenting with dishes that utilize oft-tossed parts fruits and veggies, and food bloggers are creating delicious meals based around foods you’d normally throw away—check out these 9 recipes for inspiration.  
  9. Cutting out sugar is tough, but there’s a formula for success.  A rapidly growing body of research shows that eating too much sugar is really, really bad for us. But anyone who has tried weaning herself off the sweet stuff knows it’s no cakewalk (in fact, cake is pretty much all you can think about). But never fear: There are plenty of nutritionist-approved strategies for cutting down your sugar intake. We’ve laid out your plan of attack here. 
  10. Your favorite health foods could make you sick.  It’s not just undercooked chicken that can make you sick—lots of surprising foods are frequent offenders on the food poisoning circuit, including healthy picks like cucumbers, potatoes, peanut butter, and frozen berries. How can you protect yourself? Make sure you stay abreast of food recalls issued by the FDA—and always wash that produce! A good scrub can help eliminate 90 to 99% of illness-causing pathogens.