MORE: 3 Signs You Have Tendinitis The situation isn’t hopeless. But if you continue to use the tendon in the same repetitive motion that triggered the problem in the first place, it’s going to be very difficult to get better. This applies to everyone from world-class marathoners to window washers and typists. Still, it’s possible to lessen the effects of tendinitis and prevent intense flare-ups. The key is to unlock your mind and be free to change some of your old ways. Read on for tendinitis remedies.

Give It A Rest

That’s a hard thing for some people to do. But a runner with Achilles tendinitis, for example, can’t realistically expect any improvement if he doesn’t take at least a couple of days away from the pounding. Try reducing your mileage—or substituting non-weight-bearing activities such as swimming or upper-body training, as long as these don’t aggravate the pain. Avoid walking or running uphill, because this increases the stretch on the tendon, irritating it and making it weaker, says Teresa Schuemann, PT, SCS, ATC, CSCS. Regular calf stretches may help prevent Achilles tendinitis, says Michael J. Mueller, PT, PhD. When you return to walking, keep the foot in a neutral position by sticking to flat surfaces, and gradually increase your distance and intensity. Of course, resting is easier said than done if the activity triggering your tendinitis is part of your job. If you have occupational tendinitis, it might not be a bad idea to save a day or two of vacation time for those flare-ups of tendinitis. (Here are solutions to your 10 biggest walking pains.)

But Don’t Give It Too Long A Rest

Inactivity can worsen mild musculoskeletal pain because it prevents blood from flowing to that area. And if you stop working out and begin filling out, added weight will cause more stress on your musculoskeletal system. Cut back on the intensity of your workouts, but not the frequency, says Willibald Nagler, MD. If anything, you want to exercise more regularly to condition all your muscle groups and keep them from getting even stiffer. You’re better off with a little conditioning every day rather than heroic efforts once a week, says Nagler. Daily stretching, for instance, renders muscles more flexible, and in effect gives them the same properties they had in younger years when they were more resilient.

Make A Change

If your tendinitis is exercise induced, a new form of exercise may be just what your inflamed tendon needs. If you’re a runner with tendon problems in the lower legs, for example, you can stay on the road if you’re willing to hop on a bicycle, which will still give you a good upper-leg workout.

Have A Soack

Taking a whirlpool bath or just soaking in warm bathwater is a good way to raise body temperature and increase bloodflow. Warming the tendon before stressful activity decreases the soreness associated with tendinitis. MORE: 5 Reasons To Take A Bath Tonight

Ice It

In severe tendinitis flare-ups, limit or stop your activity and place cold packs on the injured area for 15 to 20 minutes, up to three or four times a day, to reduce inflammation and pain, says Mueller. In general, ice is helpful after exercising for holding down both swelling and pain. People with heart disease, diabetes, or vascular problems, however, should be careful about using ice because the cold constricts blood vessels and could cause serious difficulties.

Wrap It Up

Another alternative for reducing swelling is to wrap your pain in an elastic bandage. Just be careful not to wrap the inflamed area too tightly or to leave the area wrapped for so long that it becomes uncomfortable or interferes with circulation.

Raise It

Elevating the affected area above heart level is also good for controlling swelling.

Go Over-The-Counter

Aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen (Aleve)—nonprescription nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs—are effective temporary pain relievers for tendinitis. They also reduce inflammation and swelling, says Malone.

Warm Up First

Warming up includes more than just temperature, says Malone. Always perform slow and controlled actions before higher speed actions. “We want to increase temperature but also stretch the muscle-tendon unit into the range of motion that is required for the activity,” he explains. This minimizes the likelihood of injury and helps you stay safe during exercise. The idea is to increase temperature (often just general low-level exercises), then stretch, then move into the activities progressively. “Interestingly, some recent data suggest significant stretching just before performance may actually decrease maximal levels of performance,” says Malone. But don’t skip stretching altogether. Some studies indicate that people who are less flexible are more prone to develop tendinitis. So stretching should be a regular part of your routine. (Try these 6 stretches if you sit all day.)

Take Work Breaks

A simple way to at least temporarily relieve physical stress at work is to take frequent breaks and move, stretch, or at least change your position. Tendinitis can develop quite easily if you work in an awkward position, especially in the arms or wrists if you’re working at a keyboard all day.

Try Sonocur Basic

You feel a mild sting, a little pressure. You may wonder if you’ve wandered into a sci-fi movie; there’s a big, ball-shaped device nestled next to your arm. But if you have an aching tennis elbow, you won’t mind because a government-approved shock wave treatment could ease the pain. In a study of 114 people whose tendinitis did not respond to other therapies, 64% of those treated with Sonocur Basic reported significantly less pain. During three 15- to 20-minute weekly sessions, the device sends out shock waves that stimulate bloodflow and the release of chemicals that start a healing process. This drug- and surgery-free therapy, widely used in Europe and Canada, is becoming more popular throughout the United States.

When To Call A Doctor About Tendinitis

If you only feel the pain of tendinitis during or after exercise, and if it isn’t too bad, you may be thinking that you could run a race or swim laps with that same amount of pain—if you had to. Or maybe you already have. In either case, you would be wise to realign your thinking. Avoid playing through pain unless your physician or physical therapist tells you otherwise. If pain is severe and you continue to abuse the tendon, it may rupture. That could mean a long layoff, surgery, or even permanent disability. In other words, exercising through tendon pain today could mean staying on the sidelines for the remainder of your tomorrows. To err on the safe side, back off if you’re in pain, and see a physician if your pain is persistent.

Panel of Advisors

Terry Malone, EdD, is a professor of physical therapy at the University of Kentucky in Lexington. Michael J. Mueller, PT, PhD, is an associate professor of physical therapy and director of the Applied Biomechanics Laboratory at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Willibald Nagler, MD, is a professor of rehabilitation medicine at New York Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City. Teresa Schuemann, PT, SCS, ATC, CSCS, is director of the physical therapy and sports medicine department and director of the Sports Physical Therapy Residency Program at Skyline Hospital in White Salmon, Washington.