11 “Natural” Cereals That Aren’t   To make the list, at least one human study had to have shown a link to one or more of these conditions—though some suspects, like lead, have dozens of studies supporting their connection. “I hope this reinforces the message that there are environmental causes of autism and other learning disabilities,” says Phil Landrigan, MD, co-author of the list and professor of preventive medicine at Mount Sinai Medical School in New York.  Here are the 10 chemicals experts link to autism and learning disabilities—and how you can protect yourself and your family: 

  1. Lead This potent neurotoxin has been clearly shown to lower IQ levels in children. Limit your lead exposure by having experts remove old paint from your home (it’s definitely not a DIY job), and also avoid fake leather products—tests show that vinyl and PVC can be contaminated with high levels of lead. 
  2. Mercury Another heavy metal that can interfere with normal brain development, mercury pollution typically comes from burning coal for energy. People get the most mercury exposure through eating contaminated fish, particularly Ahi tuna, swordfish, and orange roughy.  The 7 Healthiest Fish For You And The Planet  
  3. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Once used in electronics and as a flame retardant, the now-banned PCBs still remain in the environment. Even low doses of PCBs have been shown to disrupt healthy nerve cell communication and interfere with the body’s calcium signaling—two issues that can set the stage for autism. PCBs build up in the fatty parts of animals, so eating lower on the food chain can help lower your exposure. 
  4. Organochlorine Pesticides Generally used as insecticides, the most infamous organochlorine pesticide—DDT—is now banned, but like PCBs, they continue to lurk in the environment. A 2007 study found autism clusters near farm fields sprayed with this type of chemical, and other studies have linked the chemical to cancer. Avoid pesticide residues by eating organic as much as possible. 
  5. Hormone-Disruptors Even tiny doses of hormone-disrupting chemicals could set a person up for a lifetime of problems—from low IQ and stunted growth, to aggression and social problems. Hormone-disrupting chemicals are in items such as vinyl shower curtains, perfume, makeup, soup cans, and plastic food containers. Go to “A Sneaky New Diabetes Trigger” for ways to limit your exposure. 
  6. Tailpipe Exhaust Recent studies link air pollution from vehicle exhaust to memory problems, brain damage, and an increased risk of autism. Avoid driving during rush-hour traffic and work on limiting the amount you drive. (See our guide to starting a healthy—fun!—cycling habit).  
  7. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) Derived from burning meat, oil, wood, garbage, and coal, PAHs are a class of 10,000 compounds that have been linked to slower mental development, DNA damage, and impaired fetal growth. Steer clear of cigarette smoke, nix using mothballs, and avoid anti-dandruff shampoo or driveway sealant products that list “coal tar” as ingredients.  
  8. Flame Retardants Children born to moms with higher concentrations of flame retardants in their bodies are more likely to score lower on mental and physical development tests. You can limit exposure by avoiding beverages (such as soda) that contain brominated vegetable oil or BVO on their ingredient lists. Also look for furniture that hasn’t been treated with flame retardants—you may need to call manufacturers and ask. 
  9. Organophosphate Pesticides These bug-killing chemicals—commonly used in nonorganic farming—work by attacking a bug’s neurological system, and research suggests they can affect a developing child’s brain, too. Eating organic is the best way to bypass the pesticides, but if that’s not always possible, concentrate on going organic with the produce known to have the highest levels of organophosphates: Snap beans, watermelon, tomatoes, potatoes, grapes, and pears.  7 Things You Need To Start Buying Organic  
  10. Nonstick Chemicals A pair of 2011 studies raised suspicions that nonstick chemicals increase the risk of ADHD and impulse problems in children—and it’s not so great for adults, either: These perfluorinated compounds are linked to high cholesterol and male infertility in grown ups. Trade your nonstick cookware for American-made cast iron or untreated stainless steel when cooking, and avoid furniture and carpet treatments boasting stain-guard benefits, which often contain perfluorinated compounds.