Healthy Breakfast Pudding Recipes Prevention

No, we haven’t lost our healthy minds. With no-cook puddings featuring raw power-house ingredients like acai to chia, you’ll not only get out the door fast, you’ll have the nutrition to rock your early workout, crush that morning meeting, and get started on your to-do-list without having to wolf down an emergency bowl of sugary cereal. We’re sharing eight breakfast puddings (yes, that’s now a phrase) that are as tasty as they are loaded with healthy benefits....

January 4, 2023 · 1 min · 95 words · Guadalupe Cuevas

Healthy Snacks At The Convenient Store Prevention

“What convenience stores really do,” says Prevention advisor Kelly D. Brownell, PhD, a Yale University weight loss expert, “is make it convenient for you to gain weight.” They do this by neglecting healthy snacks and engulfing you with tempting, high-calorie foods. But convenience stores are a fact of life. So keep these healthy snacks tips in mind when you’re tempted to grab a snack. Make it minimal size (250 calories) or less....

January 4, 2023 · 1 min · 175 words · Anne Kessler

Heart Health Reversing Heart Disease Prevention

And she did. A month later, Betty’s LDL had dropped 70 points, her blood pressure was down to 130/85, her blood sugar was down to 100, and she had all the tools she needed to deal with the ups and downs of her life. She took steps to reverse heart disease and had slashed her risk of a heart attack in half. How? She did it with the simple approach outlined right here....

January 4, 2023 · 8 min · 1676 words · Kimberly White

How A Stroke Led To One Brian Scientist S Enlightenment Prevention

By age 37, Dr. Taylor had become a brain scientist and hotshot researcher in Harvard Medical School’s department of neuroscience, and she felt pretty smart about the workings of the cerebral world—until one December morning in 1996, when she discovered a few things she didn’t know. At 7 AM that December 10, Dr. Taylor awoke with a piercing headache behind her left eye. Weird, she thought. I never get sick....

January 4, 2023 · 6 min · 1261 words · Tracy Lail

How Children Keep Your Brain Sharp Prevention

Just ask bees: In the study, which appeared in the journal Experimental Gerontology, researchers found that old bees remain more mentally competent when they care for their young. 10 Ways To Keep Your Mind Sharp By the time bees are done nursing their offspring and go off to gather food, they lose significant brain function and the ability to learn new information. But when researchers removed nurse bees from the hive, the older, foraging bees were forced to continue to care for the young....

January 4, 2023 · 2 min · 379 words · Bessie Kimball

How To Cope With A Tragic Event Prevention

More from Prevention: 14 Little Ways To Lift Your Mood

January 4, 2023 · 1 min · 10 words · Gabrielle Vanbuskirk

How To Travel Safely With Diabetes Prevention

Preparing for a road trip, family vacation or business trip can require a lot of time and planning, but traveling with diabetes involves even more preparation. A person with diabetes has a lot to remember when traveling. You must remember to pack a glucose meter, test strips, oral medications or insulin, and glucose tablets (and remember to pack these items in your carry-on bag if flying). You also cannot forget to consider what food you will be eating when traveling, since healthy eating is a key component in the management of diabetes....

January 4, 2023 · 5 min · 878 words · Robert Adams

How To Want Sex Again

Sometimes the thrill is gone because sex drive, aka libido, can’t peacefully coexist with stress, anger, or marital discord. Or we miss out on the fun of sex because we have unrealistic expectations. (Big reasons: We don’t know as much about our sexuality as we think we do, or we’ve read one too many bodice rippers.) And then there’s the physical stuff: Sex routinely gets shelved when we’re low on sleep, and perimenopause can send hormones plummeting, leading to painful intercourse....

January 4, 2023 · 16 min · 3326 words · Melissa Rogers

How Your Personality Affects Your Waistline Prevention

After interviewing female dieters, California State University researchers at the Northridge and Long Beach campuses found that many either preferred simple, straightforward rules for slimming down, such as not eating after 8 pm, and those who prefer broader principles and skills they can put into practice, such as eyeballing portion sizes and planning weekly menus. Those who favor principles get a kick out of mastering weight-loss skills and planning because they view them as aids for fitting weight loss efforts into a busy, on-the-go schedule....

January 4, 2023 · 2 min · 288 words · Susan Dejesus

Intermittent Fasting Results After 1 Week Does It Work

Intermittent fasting—more an eating pattern than a diet, science says it can help you lose weight (a smaller eating window means less calories consumed), but even better, research has linked it to improved blood sugar levels, decreased risk of heart disease and cancer, and, according to neuroscientist Mark Mattson’s research, it might just help your brain ward off neurogenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s while improving mood and memory. So how exactly does intermittent fasting work?...

January 4, 2023 · 6 min · 1201 words · Hazel Irion

Judith Newman Explores Customized Health And Personalized Medicine Prevention

Oh, so that’s how I’m going to die, I think, as Dr. Florence Comite explains the preliminary results of my blood tests. Apparently I have a particular gene that is Not Good. Comite, who is explaining all the tests on the phone, hears me start to hyperventilate. “No, no, really, it’s not so bad,” she says soothingly. “By eating a diet high in raw fruits and vegetables, you can actually turn the gene off!...

January 4, 2023 · 8 min · 1542 words · Dean Wilson

Lack Of Sleep Makes You Less Attractive Prevention

January 4, 2023 · 0 min · 0 words · Wesley Pedro

Listeria Proof Your Cantaloupe Prevention

“Contamination on cantaloupes continues to be an issue,” says Marisa Bunning, PhD, a food safety researcher at Colorado State University who specializes in farm-to-table produce safety. While the smoother surfaces of honeydew melons and watermelons are a little less germ-friendly, outbreaks have been linked to these popular melon varieties, too. The good news? You can put a stop to the contamination in your kitchen. The fleshy part of the fruit is free of bacteria and viruses, unless you drag a knife through a dirty rind to slice it....

January 4, 2023 · 2 min · 375 words · Sheryl Forsythe

Look 10 Years Younger With These 11 Gravity Fighting Moves

Remember the Fountain of Youth? Sixteenth-century Spanish conquistador Ponce de Leon searched relentlessly for it, when it might have resided within him all along—in the form of sweat. “Exercise can absolutely tighten your muscles and give you the appearance of being younger,” says Kansas City-based personal trainer Serena Merrill, a senior exercise consultant for the American Council on Exercise. “And if the moves you do are functional—meaning, they mimic actions you perform in your everyday life—they can actually help you to move more easily and function younger, too....

January 4, 2023 · 8 min · 1694 words · David Eddings

Look Great In Your Jeans

For faster results… Take a brisk 30-minute walk 5 days a week to burn fat and tone up. Even better, climb hills or some stairs along the way (try this 10-minute stair workout for more toning). Leg ArcA. B. Lie on left side, propped up on left elbow. Keep left leg on floor and extend right leg in front of you with toe-touching floor. Keeping abs tight and torso and left leg still, raise right leg in an arc up over body, as shown....

January 4, 2023 · 2 min · 257 words · Doris Tarver

Low Calorie Foods And Weight Loss Prevention

[sidebar]I would recommend starting the day with a whole-grain cereal or oatmeal topped with low-fat milk and fresh fruit. The fiber in the cereal will help keep you full and satisfied. For lunch, try a turkey or other lean meat sandwich made with whole-grain bread. Try mashed avocado for a spread; it’s a healthy monounsaturated fat that will help keep you satisfied while supplying powerful phytochemicals. Don’t forget sliced tomato and romaine lettuce....

January 4, 2023 · 1 min · 145 words · Louis Russell

Low Calorie Summer Desserts Prevention

Grilled banana split (277 calories) Slice an unpeeled banana lengthwise in half, leaving bottom peel intact. Stuff middle with 2 tablespoons dark chocolate chips and 1 tablespoon crushed pineapple. Wrap banana in foil and grill 3 to 4 minutes. Remove foil, place banana on a plate, and slice through. Top with ¼ cup strawberry sorbet and about 10 mini marshmallows. Watermelon smoothie (229 calories) Combine 1 cup seedless watermelon chunks, 1 container (6 ounces) fat-free lemon yogurt, 1 teaspoon honey, and 4 ice cubes in a blender....

January 4, 2023 · 1 min · 174 words · Jeff Capps

Moderate Exercise Reduces Inflammation Study Prevention

First, here’s the skinny on inflammation: As we age, low-grade inflammation—your immune system’s response to any sort of injury—begins to thicken the arteries and vessels that transport your blood, making it more difficult for your heart to do its job, explains Mark Hamer, PhD, an epidemiologist at University College London. The jury’s still out on why inflammation increases as you grow older, but it likely has to do with the loss of muscle mass and other physical changes that occur as your age, says Hamer....

January 4, 2023 · 2 min · 337 words · Lee Johnson

Multitasking Hurts Job Performance Prevention

Juggling fifty different projects at once might make you feel like Superwoman—but don’t get a hero complex just yet. According to a recent study from researchers at the University of Utah, people who multitask are actually less productive than people who focus on one thing at a time. Even more depressing: people who believe themselves to be master multitaskers are seriously overestimating their capabilities. Oops. In the study, researchers asked 310 students about their multitasking abilities—and then gave them tests to prove themselves, like asking them to calculate simple mathematical equations while remembering a sequence of letters....

January 4, 2023 · 3 min · 609 words · Matthew Meese

New Access To Experimental Drugs For Terminally Ill Patients Prevention

The “Right to Try Act”—the very first to pass in the U.S.—was signed into law by Colorado’s governor after passing the state legislature unanimously. Similar bills are coming up for approval in Arizona, Louisiana, and Missouri. Each bill would allow patients, in partnership with their physicians, to request experimental medications that are still being tested. “This is such a paradigm shift for how we approach terminally ill patients’ access to medication in this country,” says Lucy Caldwell, communications director for the conservative public policy and advocacy organization Goldwater Institute, which is behind the current bills....

January 4, 2023 · 3 min · 466 words · Terry Bengel