Omega 3 And Protein Tuna S One Two Punch Of Tasty Nutrition Prevention

Start with a good look at the ingredients –as most conventional tuna is precooked before canning, a great deal of the Omega 3 oils and nutrition is cooked out of the fish during this process along with the natural juices. These juices are then replaced by water, oil or broths, with the finished product containing about 55% tuna and 45% added liquids. There are brands, however, that retain those valuable natural juices to keep the Omega 3 content high....

December 28, 2022 · 2 min · 231 words · Elizabeth Neel

Peanut Butter Noodles Prevention

December 28, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Dianna Posey

Predict And Prevent Your Next Migraine Prevention

Write down any of the common yet easily overlooked warning signs of a big headache. Among them: yawning a lot, trouble concentrating, a stiff neck. In a 2003 study, American and British neurologists asked 97 frequent migraine sufferers to keep track of these “premonitory symptoms.” At least half of the time, most of them got a migraine within 72 hours. You can use your signals to head off a big headache....

December 28, 2022 · 1 min · 207 words · Helen Nielsen

Reducing Clutter In The Home Prevention

Famous clutterers in history include P.T. Barnum (a classic Collector who started a circus to show off his stuff), R.L. Ripley (believe it or not), and Imelda Marcos (she of the thousands of shoes). However, the champion clutterers of all time may have been Homer and Langley Collyer, wealthy brothers who lived like hermits in a Fifth Avenue mansion in New York City. In 1947, the police were tipped off that someone had passed away in the Collyer mansion....

December 28, 2022 · 5 min · 924 words · Michael Buck

Research Shows That Double Mastectomy Does Not Improve Breast Cancer S Prevention

The study published recently in JAMA, Journal of the American Medical Association, found that while double mastectomies are increasingly popular, they do not seem to be associated with higher survival rates. The researchers studied a database of women in California who were diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer in just one breast in the past decade. They compared those who underwent a single mastectomy, those who had a double mastectomy, and those who had breast-conserving surgery with radiation....

December 28, 2022 · 4 min · 683 words · Patrick Marquis

Resilient Personality Improves Fitness Prevention

Want to get more out of your workout? A few personality tweaks might be all it takes, finds new research published in PLOS ONE. In particular, those with more resilient characteristics are more likely to have greater aerobic capacity, according to researchers from Florida State University. That capacity—a key marker of cardiovascular fitness—is what determines, for example, how long you can sprint without losing your breath, or how hard you can push yourself during a tough bike ride....

December 28, 2022 · 2 min · 405 words · Frank Morgan

Restaurant Sugar Swaps Prevention

December 28, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Roberta Hunt

Safer Ways To Enjoy French Fries Prevention

We’ll get to the squealing, but first the bad news: French fries aren’t good for you—and not just for the fatty reason you think. When starchy foods are cooked above 248 degrees, they naturally produce a chemical called acrylamide—a probable human carcinogen. While acrylamide hasn’t been shown to definitively cause cancer (yet), it is a cause for concern. More from Prevention: 10 Flat Belly Chocolate Desserts Now the good news: Superhero scientists from the University of Reading have figured out a few ways to reduce acrylamide levels in everyone’s favorite snack....

December 28, 2022 · 2 min · 248 words · Janice Norton

Scent Of Citrus Shown To Reduce Stress Prevention

Brazilian scientists had participants spend five minutes inhaling one of three substances: Sweet orange essential oil, tea tree oil, or plain old water. Participants then underwent a stressful test while having their vital signs measured. Those who sniffed orange oil were less anxious throughout the test, and the beneficial effects even lingered once the exam was over. More from Smells That Boost Your Health “The scent of a fresh fruit can do amazing things,” says Barbara Thomley, lead coordinator for the Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program at the Mayo Clinic....

December 28, 2022 · 2 min · 366 words · Julia Lo

Shake Up Your Standard Smoothie With These 25 Ideas

December 28, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Wesley Lewis

Should You Be Drinking Pickle And Sauerkraut Juice Prevention

The Internet is full of recipes for making your own, but you can also buy pickled veggies and drink the leftover juice—as long as the product was traditionally fermented and not heated to kill bacteria (look for “unpasteurized,” “naturally fermented,” “raw,” or “contains live and active cultures” on the label). Some brands we like: Real Pickles Organic Dill Pickles, Jacob’s Raw Classic Kraut, and Farmhouse Culture Kimchi. But now you don’t even have to buy pickles to get the good stuff....

December 28, 2022 · 3 min · 472 words · John Jones

Sleep Deprivation And Genetic Changes Prevention

Not getting your beauty sleep? Sorry, but you could be causing long-term damage to your body. A new study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests that sleep deficiency can lead to genetic changes that may contribute to disease. Researchers at the University of Surrey in England studied 26 volunteers—healthy adults who didn’t suffer from sleep disorders like sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome—over the course of two 12-day evaluation periods....

December 28, 2022 · 2 min · 426 words · Micheal Nickerson

Soy Heart Disease And Cholesterol Prevention

December 28, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Jeramy Hawks

Stress Free Grocery Shopping Prevention

[sidebar]Pass on GM produceWhile the impact of genetically modified foods on humans is unknown, some preliminary animal studies suggest that these items could cause food allergies and certain diseases. To spot genetically tweaked produce, look at the PLU code on the sticker. Conventional produce uses a 4-digit number starting with 3 or 4, organic uses a 5-digit number starting with 9, and genetically modified uses a 5-digit number starting with 8....

December 28, 2022 · 2 min · 228 words · Rae Stroud

Study Your Body Image Shows Prevention

Unfortunately, it’s not only in your head; according to a new study published in PLoS ONE, having a distorted version of yourself unconsciously affects your physical actions, such as how you walk into a room. Already aware of the psychological consequences of negative body image at any level, researchers from Utrecht University in the Netherlands wanted to learn if it affected women physically. They asked 39 women (19 with diagnosed eating disorders, 20 without) to walk through a series of door like openings....

December 28, 2022 · 3 min · 480 words · Maxine Bush

The Best Deals On Anti Aging Products At Ulta S Huge Hot Buys Sale Prevention

December 28, 2022 · 0 min · 0 words · Shirley Engel

The Best Place To Buy Fish Prevention

This past week, Greenpeace released its latest Carting Away the Oceans report, an analysis that rates major food retailers on their methods of obtaining fish to sell in popular stores. Available online, the report makes a powerful tool for consumers wanting to make smarter seafood choices. Greenpeace says, is this report—the seventh edition—includes many reasons to smile. For instance, Trader Joe’s used a combination of progressive sourcing policies, joined political initiatives to protect oceans, and eliminated red list items (some of the most threatened fish) to jump up 13 spots to a favorable No....

December 28, 2022 · 5 min · 874 words · Hugh Grigsby

The Diet That Lowers Your Colon Cancer Risk Prevention

But a recent study in Nature Communications shows that changing your diet can have an effect on health way sooner than you’d think: We’re talking just two weeks. That’s what researchers from University of Pittsburgh and Imperial College London found when they swapped the high-fat diet of 20 African Americans for the high-fiber diets of 20 rural South Africans. It took just 14 measly days for the high-fiber African diet to dramatically reduce markers for colon cancer risk in the Americans....

December 28, 2022 · 2 min · 367 words · Josephine Carmody

The Perfect Post Workout Smoothie Prevention

The research: This new study builds on the increasing demand for high quality protein, particularly for active women striving to build or maintain muscle. Researchers from the University of Texas Medical Branch set out to determine whether consuming different protein blends could prolong amino acid availability (the building blocks of protein) and lead to increased muscle-building after exercise. The two blends they tested included a soy-dairy blend and a single protein source (whey protein isolate), which 16 healthy volunteers consumed an hour after exercising....

December 28, 2022 · 2 min · 238 words · Susan Johnson

The Simple Swap That Ll Make Quitting Soda A Whole Lot Easier

The Aussie study team split roughly 100 people—all regular soda and caffeine drinkers—into two groups. The researchers supplied everyone with soda, and told each person to drink as much or as little of it as desired during the month-long study period. The catch: while all the soft drinks tasted exactly the same, one group received caffeinated soda while the other received non-caffeinated soda. Compared to the caffeine-free soda drinkers, the people given caffeinated soft drinks consumed 53% more—or nearly 5 more ounces a day—during the study period....

December 28, 2022 · 2 min · 244 words · Kyle Garcia